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Diagnosis of Ms. Rosa Lee Cunningham




The text accounts Rosa Lee life as a black woman living in abject poverty and hardships that have had impacts on her life and that of her children. These traumatic experiences led her to live a reckless life as her mother treated her brutally and never allowed her to engage in learning. She was only required to remain indoors to undertake domestic chores. The difficulty circumstances she encountered in her life led her in engaging in drug abuse business as well as prostitution to enable her caters for her children. Also, she gets imprisoned due to drug trafficking and notwithstanding contracting HIV and contaminated her two kids as they shared infusion. The analysis unfurls that Rosa Lee is someone who is addicted and she can't quit using the medications even in the wake of serving a prison sentence. Her habits compromise her social relationship and reckless living hence making her life harder due to the complications emanating from the unsafe prescription of drugs. Her physical conditions are worsening, and she requires immediate intervention. Therefore, as part of the treatment plan, physical as well as psychological therapies are recommended. Additionally, she ought to undertake detoxification procedures to remove chemicals she has consumed. The arrangement is equipped towards dealing with her HIV to keep it from quickening. The fundamental of the agreement is to treat her mental issue and even connect with her in some pay creating exercises to make her occupied, and this will help her disregard the medications.

Keywords: physical conditions, HIV, AIDS

Diagnosis of Ms. Rosa Lee Cunningham

Reason for Assessment

Rosa Lee Cunningham is a Black American lady who has carried on with a miserable life being a casualty of extraordinary destitution; kid manhandle and hardship of affection and nurturance from her mom. The traumatic encounters throughout her life have prompted her dependence on a way of life that additionally debases her as a man as opposed to ascending from her terrible circumstance. From youth, she has taken in the cruel reality that dark young ladies should have been "prepared" to watch over the family and family unit while dark young men are spoiled. Rosa Lee experienced hard work for the househol d under the wat chful gaze of her seriously brutal mother, Rosetta.

Psychosocial History

Rosa Lee is a Black woman presenting a story with her children living in abject poverty in their slums. Rosa together with million other people struggled with poverty characterized by violent, crimes, illiteracy among other social obstacles (Dash, 1997). For example, schooling was not a priority in Rosa Lee's developing years. Rosa's mother did not value the education of her child; instead, she considered household tasks as valuable for her daughter rather than schooling. Rosa Lee felt denied of play in her adolescence, as she expected to cleave the wood, convey stron g things, clean a room spotless and oblige her family's every need. This disturbed Rosa, and it subjected her into a stressful life due to the lack of exposure to the world and alienated from other children.

Rosa Lee needed for her mom's endorsement. The desire to maintain closeness to her mother was always futile. When she made sense of how to shoplift beautiful things to offer her mother, she would be criticized , yet later, as her mother would examine the merchandise, would hurl her arms at her with appreciation. Such demonstrations of closeness were fleeting, as Rosetta did not falter to deliver physical mischief at Rosa Lee at whatever point she disappointed her. Unlike her mother, Rosa’s father, Wright was welcoming for her daughter, and he could give her money especially when drunk.

In matters of education, Rosa Lee believed that poverty was a significant barrier to achieving what she desired in her life. In her pubescence, she saw that other youngsters had fittin g garments while she wore clothes. At this age, the need to have a place and be seen by other children turns out to be exceptionally stabl e. Her initially shoplifting scene was a result of this longing to be updated as far as design. From that point on, taking turned into a lifestyle, and she proved to be to get better at figuring out how to inconspicuously slip merchandise in her holding up a sack or under her skirt.

Rosa Lee executed inadequately in school, not understanding that she was a direct learner until she had the horrifying scene of being hurled out of a class with a teacher she increased in value. Along with Mrs. Whitehead, Rosa Lee felt that she was learning something new, and making the most of her educating methodologies. She was advised to join another class which Rosa Lee expected to escape from regardless (Dash, 1997). Since she never considered school critical after Mrs. Whitehead, she didn't develop her training capacities short all potential restrictions. This absence of perusing abilities turned out to be disadvantageous to her.

Her crimes have caused her to be in troublesome circumstances, prompting an early pregnancy at age thirteen. Rosa Lee quit scho ol. Before long, she got herself pregnant once more, and over and over, making her a mother of different youngsters before she contacted her twentieth birthday. This was a tense call for help to be released from her mother's hold. When, she winning as to having a man marry her mostly because Rosetta undermined him, yet a few months sometime later, Rosa Lee wound up back in her mother's home as she had no other approach since her significant other beat her.

To bolster her kids, she needed to depend on prostitution and offering illegal drugs. She defended such methods for creating wage as means for "survival" for her eight youngsters. The stable income that Rosa had emanated from the welfare checks that her mother controlled.

Rosetta's concept of youngster rising was to Rosa Lee, unseemly. The proper aim of setting the kids on the straight-way (ex. that taking is awful) is regularly actualized by lewd acts . This profoundly impacted on Rosa’s family as it became a routine. The distressing as well as unbearable feeling evoked Rosa’s emotions and decided never to subject her children to any possible harm. She showed her youngsters to embezzle garments, so they had something decent to wear or different things, so they had something to pitch to purchase nourishment (Lemann & Dash, 1996). Later on, she would include her kids and grandchildren in the medication exchange because police officers don't more often than not follow youthful youngsters. She never anticipated that they would get hurt at the same time, yet fail to consider that she was putting them in high danger.

At the point when Rosa turned into a medication fan, she extended this propensity to her children and started offering the illegal drugs to them. This thought of taking part in d rug trafficking surprised numerous and made it workable for the children to help their mom in appropriating and getting the medications from the aristocrats. This illegal business landed Rosa with her children into jail and Hiv infection for Rosa and the two children with whom she shared injection with.

Notwithstanding having served a correctional facility sentence for medication trafficking, it is shocking that Rose and her kids did not gain from their experience as the accepted the business promptly after they were sans set. Indeed, even the danger of the AIDS malady did not prevent them from proceeded with the quest for the n ext high.

The idea of being encroached in the ribbons of poverty and desperation made Rosa’s children despair in life. They do not have the drive to go out and make a big deal about themselves to live ordina ry lives. Rather than being utilized in a not too bad employment, they would rather rely on upon Rosa Lee who drives herself to do what she excels at - offering medications and shoplifting just so her youngsters are sustained, housed and even offered cash to get their medications. For Rosa Lee, this is her method for demonstrating love for them. Postponed use of perilous solutions and her irregular condition of stress have achieved some physical illnesses in Rosa Lee as appeared by seizures, memory passes, and stomach distress. To oversee it, she has been accepting her daily dosage of Methadone at the group center. Be that as it may, now and again, such manifestations turn out to be excessive to hold up under and she winds up bound in the healing center.

Sources of information and purpose

This paper attempts to look at Rosa Lee's mental profile and break down her mental condition using a multiaxial appraisal from the data amassed from her memoir by Leon Dash and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).

I: Substance Abuse or Dependence

Rosa Lee's has shown side effects that can be analyzed as Substance Abuse/Dependence. Under DSM-IV-TR (content amendment of 2002). The drug dependents often exhibit these indicators:


Powerlessness to fulfill enormous responsibilities: Rosa Lee has been incessantly late in settling her bills, achieving the cut-off of organizations. She faces significant challenges of managing her money as she recklessly spends her money on reckless activities such as supplying drugs instead of utilizing the money for her family upkeeps. Use when physically dangerous: despite the danger of her HIV disease changing into a maximizing AIDS infirmity, or fundamentally when she understands that her physical condition makes sedate use lethal for her, Rosa Lee continues getting a charge out of medications.

Intermittent lawful issues: Rosa Lee has been captured a few times for shoplifting or busted for offering or utilizing drugs.

Repetitive social or relational issues: Rosa Lee cannot control her kids' addictive conduct. She deliberately supports her children illicit drug endeavors and even rescues them in the event they land themselves in a dangerous situation in connection to their trafficking or cons umption. Individually, she is baffled with how they treat her, yet Rosa Lee appears to be powerless as she keeps her emotions suppressed inside and sometimes stretched as far as possible. As she had made a steady promise of not resembling her rude mother, she still coddles their quirk regardless of the outcome it will bear.

"With SUBSTANCE ABUSE the client has a decision: he/she utilizes as a part of hate of illicit, dangerous consequences, or wrongness of the drinking/sedating background." (DSM-IV- TR, 2002) (House, 2002). With Rosa Lee's history of pharmaceutical uses, she continues using drugs paying little mind to her consideration regarding its outcomes to herself or her family.

Substance Dependence (addiction or alcoholism)

It can be manifested in the following behaviors:

Resilience: Rosa Lee endures the results that take after her medication utilize - torment, powerlessness to work typically, even her youngsters' apparently oppressive conduct towards her.

Withdrawal: Rosa Lee's body reactions to medication use withdrawal are commonly related to how she takes the prescription to control the gathered and related manifestations that the utilization of unsafe drugs has created. The lack of education knowledge impacts on the manner in which Rosa prescribes the drug leading to devastating effects on her body such as memory loss.

Intake of enormous quantity for long: Rosa Lee's consumption of the drugs is often influenced by the availability of the drug. This means that the more their availability, the more she can use. This has continued for the vast majority of her grown-up life.

Unsuccessful endeavors to chop down: Despite her various attempts/declarations to stop and change her life by dodging drugs, she would more often than not fall once again into the medication propensity.

Time spent in getting the substance replaces social, word related or recreational exercises: Rosa Lee's various responsibilities have as a rule been missed because of her medication issue.

Increased utilization despite the devastating impacts: The involvement in ill icit drug business has landed Rosa into unfortunate circumstances. For example, being hospitalized for quite long, contracting AIDS, the increased menace of getting hurt by her drug dealers could have forced her to halt the habit (Lemann & Dash, 1996). Moreover, whenever Rosa Lee is feeling ill or depressed, she deliberately takes some drugs to cope.

II: Developmental Disorders

Based on the assembled information, Rosa Lee possesses myriads of developmental deficiencies. From youth, it was demonstrated that she was a moderate learner and her insufficient abilities have driven her to troublesome results (e.g. misreading recommended doses of prescription has brought on her bothered physical ailments; her absence of comprehension of straightforward frameworks. Consequently, this has led to lawful results that have pushed her further in more profound issues).

Poverty, as well as, denial feelings have contributed to Rosa’s unethical behaviors. Picking up an endorsement from her relatives because of the stock she has stolen has turned into the reward for this illeg al conduct. Her usual reason for it is "quite recently attempting to survive," a legitimization she has passed on to her kids and grandchildren. Rosa Lee demonstrates some over the top impulsive practices when she is pushed. She cleans her home vigorously to the point that it is spotless.

III: Physical Conditions

Rosa Lee's increased substance mishandle/reliance has brought her a ton of physical ailments, for example, memory misfortune, body torments, seizures, general discomfort and a significant portion of all, HIV from sharing needles while infusing dangerous substances to the body (Lemann & Dash, 1996). These maladies have deteriorated Rosa physically making her remain on the bed when ailing.

IV: Severity of psychosocial stressors

Rosa’s mother has influenced her significantly particularly in molding her character. She was profoundly worried about her rude mother and her exploitation subjecting her to wil d things without her consent. She was physically and verbally mishandled. Disregarding this, Rosa hungered for her adoration and warmth. When she as of now felt choked off her mom's hand on her and her life, she discovered approaches to make tracks in the opposite direction from her, for example, getting pregnant and wedding early, which exploded backward and drove her back to her mom. Being a provider of the family (both her kids and her mom and kin) hit Rosa Lee to work harder at obtaining pay to bolster them all. Notwithstanding this, she felt neglected and exploited, yet she inactively acknowledged her destiny (Dash, 1997). Consistently supporting her youngsters even in their adulthood was additionally a solid psychosocial stressor for Rosa Lee, as they were primarily reliant on her that they even anticipate that her will spare them from the hindering results, for example, safeguarding them out of prison, covering for their transgressions and having their spot to en sure the outcomes of their offenses. Rosa Lee's concept of maternal love is simply to offer and to give, as her narrow-minded and impolite kids consistently take and take, giving their mom nothing consequently. The earth where she lives in is another wellspring of worry for Rosa Lee, as it eggs on her continuo us engagement in the medication exchange. The risk of harm often increases whenever she or her children confronts one another.

V: Highest level of functioning

Upon the intensive and sharp detailing of Leon Dash, Rosa Lee has been depicted as a keen road lady who is genuinely a survivor with regards to her circumstance. She knows how to control the plants of judges or other individuals who effectively succumb to her beguiling manner. Rosa Lee struggled her best to make ends meet and raise her family in horrible situations. At the point when things are precisely disclosed to her and ensured that she comprehended the results of her conduct, Rosa Lee does the ma jor activity to standardize her life and move toward becoming medication free for a specific timeframe (Dash, 1997). Her frail will might be made more grounded with a cautious platform of updates and even dangers to her security. She additionally should be goaded to affirm herself with regards to her youngsters who control her sincerely by pushing the correct catches.

Treatment plan recommendations

In thinking of a proper treatment get ready for Rosa Lee, many elements are to be considered. Treatment ought to integrate physical as well as psychological therapies. Before any treatment plan endeavors; Rosa Lee's natura l longing to be improved must be communicated. The choice to be mended of her compulsion ought to help her focus on being agreeable with the solid vision that she will without a doubt be free from the subjugation of the enslavement. To wash down her body of the chemicals she has ingested, Rosa Lee needs to experience restorative detoxification (Platt et al. 1990). "While detoxification alone is infrequently adequate to help addicts accomplish long haul forbearance, for a few people it is an unequivocally shown antecedent to successful medication compulsion treatment." (National Institute on Drug Abuse, n.d.). Regarding Rosa case, she has been under medication utilizing Methadone dose that has the capability to support her as far as minimizing her illegal drug use is a concern. Her proposed treatment plan ought to consider managing her HIV status to curb it from accelerating. Most important is to assist Rosa to recover her physical vitality as well as her aggressive spirit. Since her quick condition is one element that energizes her dependence, she should be moved to a less debilitating condition that advances prosperity. Being in a tranquil situation enormously helps in accomplishing peace. A friendly environment is critical in managing Rosa’s case and offer a drug-free environment and foster ethical lifestyle upon the completion of the healing process.

The most critical component in the treatment plan is Rosa Lee's mental treatment. Dealing with the impacts of her injury from youth involves getting to the base of it. Treatment must incorporate her returning to of the past and ventures to accomplish conclusion from the mental torment incurred by her overwhelming mother and the biased socio-social condition that misused her respect as a man.

Family treatment is primary in the mending of Rosa Lee's suffering. Additionally, Rosa’s immediate members ought to undertake therapy as they have a significant stake in Rosa’s life to discourage them from encouraging Rosa to progress with the habit. In doing as such, an enabled feeling of self and obligation would have liked to be created.

Psychotherapy will help in treating Rosa Lee's passionate injuries. There is a necessity to create awareness to the individual on what has necessitated all this to enable her to gain a proper understanding of life and progress on with healthy lifestyle.

One case is for Rosa Lee to comprehend the elements she imparted to her mom and how she ought to deal with the stable sentiments her inten se relationship still realizes. Having the capacity to oversee it will help her in managing unpleasant circumstances related to her mom. Rosa Lee's qualities ought to be utilized as a part of the treatment arrange. Among these are her profound love for her family and her creative and necessary deduction capacities (Powell & Brodsky, 2004). In helping her see how her useless conduct puts her kids and grandchildren at hazard may help her day of work her worldview on adoration. Urging her to be solid in denying her youngsters the impulses which may bring them hurt by utilizing "intense love" might be compelling in moreover reinforcing her character. She may think that its exceptionally troublesome at first considering offering into every one of her kids' impulses has been her child rearing style for quite a while and her method for demonstrating love for them, yet in the long run, as she harvests the products of her yield, she will, in the end, be usual to it.

The issue of creativity in her skills ought to be taken into account especially when she gets to take drugs after treatment. Therefore, she should try to avoid those things that may prompt her urges to drugs. There exist some references to religion in the book, and this appears crucial to Rosa. Therefore, exposing her to the fai th teachings may be of significant help to Rosa particularly in shaping her morals.

It is prescribed that Rosa to attempt some preparation that will help in controlling her feelings. This will strengthen her thinking and regard her in a positive manner and also challenge the beliefs she was brought up in. A successful healing plan ought to consider her psychological, social as well as vocational needs of the client (Scalise & Clinton, 2013). However, there is a great need to monitor Rosa during the healing period actively and adjust whenever necessary.

The recuperation procedure is regularly a progressive proce ss that requires different medications particularly on account of compulsion. The obstacles Rosa encountered in her life have much influence on her current state. Therefore, these knots ought to be united to enable her to start a meaningful life. Despite how disgusting life might be, there is always room for change. If Rosa is committed to turning around her life, no barrier can bar her from reaching her destiny. The transformation starts with her and gives it to her youngsters as a dependable parent. Unhesitatingly, Remarkable change will be transmitted to her children, and her grandchildren will see her as their good example.


Dash, L. (1997). Rosa Lee: A Mother and her family in urban America. New York: Plume.

House, A. E. (2002). DSM-IV diagnosis in the schools. New York: Guilford Press.

Lemann, N., & Dash, L. (January 01, 1996). Rosa Lee: A Mother and Her Family in Urban America. The New York Review of Books, 43, 20, 19.

National Institute on Drug Abuse, Federal Depository Library Program, & United States. (1990). National Institute on Drug Abuse: The science of drug abuse & addiction. (Federal Depository Library Program Web Archive.).

National Institute on Drug Abuse. (1976). National directory of drug abuse treatment programs. Rockville, Md: U.S. Dept of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Platt, J. J., Kaplan, C. D., & McKim, P. J. (1990). The Effectiveness of drug abuse treatment: Dutch and American perspectives. Malabar, Fla: R.E. Krieger.

Powell, D. J., & Brodsky, A. (2004). Clinical supervision in alcohol and drug abuse counseling: Principles, models, methods. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Scalise, E., & Clinton, T. (2013). The quick-reference guide to addictions and recovery counseling: 40 topics, spiritual insights, and easy-to-use action steps. Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker Books.

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