08A1-00 - Formalize your thinking by constructing a problem statement. create a modified version. The emphasis of this project is on leadership, and we are using the problem statement primarily as a tool in our analysis of leadership skills

U3A1 – Defining the Problem

Residential property taxes are a primary source of local government financing and the cost of owning a house. Homeowners view rising house prices favorably, but raising the property tax according to the house value is not viewed in the same light. When house prices move up rapidly, there is the concern by the public about property taxes increasing (Schiller, 2015). This makes the real estate sector among the heavily taxed sectors. The united states tax all its citizens, Domestic Corporation and trust on as their income despite where it’s earned.  Policies ought to be implemented to make sure that property taxes on residential homes are affordable and make it for most people to own homes.

         Policy entrepreneurs in the sector of real estate should formulate different innovative strategies that make property taxes on residential houses without putting their interest first. They should first identify the group of people who are affected by the taxes, secondly formulate strategies to tackle this problem and finally push for reforms using the involved organization. The owners of the real estate properties are among the key stakeholders and should be actively involved in finding a remedy to the property tax concerns for the citizen buying their properties. The agreement should be made by the policy makers involved. An entire definition of the problem identified and other problems associated with the concern stated. A broad range of solutions should be of solutions identified, and the suitable one agreed on, a plan or policy formulated which is legally and morally accepted another policy should be reviewed to ensure all aspects of the concerned are met (Sihna, 2016).

          Transformation leadership should be used to critically analyze and evaluate the problem. These should be done in three phases which include high, middle and low stages. In all the stages should be involved of the participants affected by the problem. At high levels leaders who help identify whether the property taxes on real estate is an issues concern or not and if it is a problem does it require any policy making. If there is need of action what are the purpose of the actions. To identify the problem the leader to mobilize people at different levels and get their views on the public concern. A safe place to let out their ideas and concern should be addressed. This helps ensure the key stakeholders in the public concern that their problem and the policies to be made are taken well into consideration of their problem.

      The strategies made under transformational leadership are for the common good. The strategies can be done in three different approaches to come up with policies to solve the problem these approaches include adapting known solutions, searching for solution known that are not known to the group and developing the innovative solution. Apart from identifying the solution, they should identify which solution is likely to be interesting to the key stakeholders and which is likely to be supported by them and the broader public. This analysis is helpful in placing the problem, identifying one or more promising solutions on the public agenda. Hence creating a public issue which might attract policy makers and other affected parties who might influence the formulation adoption, and implementation of the specific policies (Evren M. tok, Lolwah R. Alkhater, Leslie A. Pal, 2016).

     The problem can be redefined under the system theory to ensure the policies solution made are for the common and for purposes of sustainability. Under this focus is shifted from forums to areas. Problems are addressed in the manner that is technically and administratively feasible, economical acceptable legally and ethically responsible (Van, 2006). The focus is played in different areas to view the problem at different aspects and for various parties to give their understanding of the problem. Negotiation and bargaining are common at this phase. The discussion should establish with different parties such rea estate developed, constructing companies, politician, and real estate owners to come up with alternatives policies and exchange them with another, speak up of relative merits of their option and finally engage in the successful decision design.

         Leadership theories are different, and their application in policy making may result in different policy outcome. Participative leadership every stakeholder is involved the process of decision-making, and policy formulation and the outcome of the policy attends to put into consideration all the issues raised by the different stakeholders. In participative leadership, communications are facilitated and different ideas shared, and the best decision is made and communicated back to the respective parties (Anit, 2010). The policy outcomes of this leadership tend to be for the common.

     Situational leadership there is no engagement of the different stakeholders and the decision is not agreed on, but it’s for the common good. If policies are to be made on how property tax are to be reduced on real estate, in the case of situational leadership the government under the ministry of housing comes up with policies to address the issue affecting the real estate owners without engaging the different stakeholders involved in the real house sector. Hence the policies made might tend to address the real concern and may not have the common good of the public resulting in undesirable outcomes.

   Depending the type of leadership style policy entrepreneurs decides to use to solve the problem, the common good of the public concern should be the priority when they formulate the solution to solve the concern. And this greatly influence the policy outcome and its adoption by policy makers.  


Anit, S. (2010, March 19). Participative Leadership.  Retrieved from Sage Journals: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1094670510361745


Evren M. tok, Lolwah R. Alkhater, Laslie A. Pal. (2016, August 11). Policy-Making in Transformative State: The case of Qatar. Policy Making in Transformative Leadership, PP.1-33.

Schiller, T. (2015). Property Tax and Assessment Practice. What Its Worth, 2-3.

Sihna, R. (2016, December 16). 2016: A Year of Policy. Retrieved from Housing: https://housing.com/news/tag/policy-changes/

Van, M.D. (2006). System Leadership: Expectationa Leaders for Expectional Times. System Leadership for Children’s Service in U.S., 4-7.