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Exercise Program for a Special Population

HWE 420


Date:May 22, 2017

Exercise Program for a Special Population

Part I

Name: Brenda K Jones

Gender: Female

Social Security Number: 232-54-8795

Date of Birth: 15/5/1990

Marital Status: Single

Height: 1.49m

Weight: 67kg

Health history: The family has a history of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular in her family, and she has once had leg surgery after an accident.

People with obesity usually have a higher chance of suffering from arthritis. This is caused by the excessive weight of the patient’s body. The weight makes the patient have a problem in walking, and they cannot make to walk for a long distance. The condition of the patient is important to look at before coming up with the program and exposing the patient to the exercise since in some cases the exercise can worsen the condition of the patient.

Another compromising condition with patients with obesity is that they are not able to stand for a long time since their legs cannot support the weight of the body for a long period. Most of the time, such patients like to remain seated. Since the joints of arthritis patients are painting, they not able to perform most of the duties. For instance, students with this condition may not be able to write or type using a computer.

Another condition which patients with obesity and arthritis may have low self-esteem such that they may not be able to express themselves in front other people. This is due to their big body, and they see themselves as not normal as compared to the others in the society. The fact that they cannot keep the pace with the other people especially when they are walking makes them distant themselves and stay alone.

Patients with arthritis experience a lot of pain in their joints which make them less active and in some conditions you may find walking is a problem. Sometimes the patients may have soft tissue musculoskeletal pain in their muscle rather than their joints. They may sometimes have back pain

Patients with obesity may develop restrictive lung disease which leads to a reduction amounting to oxygen in the body muscles, and the condition may lead to fatigue. They are also much exposed to heart diseases, and when drawing the exercise program, their condition should be put into consideration not to put their lives at risk by worsening their conditions.

There are many contrasting conditions to the patients and the healthy people. For instance, those free from obesity they can walk for a long distance without developing breathing of heart problems. Patients with obesity and arthritis usually develop breathing and heart complications extensive training.

People with obesity usually have a higher chance of being infected much variety of diseases since their bodies are not active and they have a large accumulation of fats in their body. The chances of being infected by diseases when one is obese free are very low and if they are infected controlling and treating the disease is much easier compared to those who have obese. Patients with obesity are likely to have more clinic check-ups than their fellows since their conditions are a savior and their conditions need to be checked now and then.

People free from obese have a higher self-esteem compared to those with obesity. For instance, research has shown that students who are obese free are more likely to consort with their instructors in school. Those with obesity tend to shy off from asking anything which they do not understand since they do not have that self-confidence in them. The research has also shown that obese students tend to stay away from the others. They also do not like engaging with others in play.

When obese patients when exposed to extensive training their heartbeats tend to increase very fast, and they may have acute breathing. The condition may put them in a worse condition, unlike their fellow who their heart rate increases gradually until it reaches a certain level and there might be no dangers.

Physical exercise is very important to people with obesity and arthritis. For instance, it helps in burning calories in the body and thus reduces the amount of fat accumulation in the body. Once the excess fat of the client reduces the weight and thus can engage in most of active in the day to day activities. The heart can pump blood to all the parts of the body. There is reduced the effect of lung diseases, and this reduces the chances of breathing problems. Once the patient has a normal breathing, then all the body part will receive a good amount of oxygen, and there are reduced chances of fatigue to the patient.

Exercise reduces the rate of premature death by reducing the effect of cardiovascular and other related heart diseases. Since during exercise, the heart pushes the blood in the arteries, and this helps in unblocking any arteries which are blocked hence facilitate a good flow of blood to all parts of the body. The exercise will increase efficiency blow of blood, and hence all the parts of the body are likely to get enough oxygen and hence there is reduces chances of muscle fatigue to the patient.

Exercise reduces the chances of the client to type 2 diabetes and even to the people who are perceived to be proving to it depending on the historical evidence in their family. The disease is much associated with overweight, and if the patient manages to reduce weight, then there is a lower chance of having the disease. According to the evidence in the research on the effect of exercise, it has shown that if a patient dedicates at least 150 minutes of physical exercise per week, then there is a low chance of being a victim of type 2 diabetes.

Activities such as biking, swimming and aquatic walking which is recommended for arthritis patients, they help to modify the disease as they improve aerobic capacity and muscle strength. They relieve the pain associated with the disease, and the patient can start walking normally without or with little pain. Exercise also helps in improving the joint mobility and functional ability of the joint in general and thus modify arthritis to manageable levels.

Exercise is known to reduce stress to the patients. Since many of obese patients lack confidence and self-esteem and as a result, they end up being stressed exercise is the best medicine for such people since it makes them relax and hence stress-free. Higher physical exercise is associated with lower level of stress. The exercise which helps to manage cardiovascular are also known to reduce the effect of stress on the patients too. Exercise too helps in making the patients feel good. After the exercise, many patients and clients have shown that they have an improved mood compared to those who have not had an exercise for some time.

Obesity and arthritis make the patients feel depressed, and they show low anxiety. With exercise, it helps relieve the patient of depression which is a psychological benefit of exercise. Exercise, in general, helps to improve every and each part of the patient and thus help to prevent early death of the patient.

Part II

Results from a cardiovascular health-related physical fitness


1st Trial (T1)

2nd Trial(T2)

Inter-trial difference(T2-T1)







Body mass index(kg/m^2)


Waist circumference(cm)


Hip circumference(cm)


Triceps skinfolds(mm)


Subscapular skinfolds(mm)


Body fat by BIA(%)







Standing broad jump(cm)




Vertical jump(cm)





Sit and reach(cm)




4*10m shuttle run(s)





20M shuttle run(stage)




Fitness program

Exercise Description








Warm-Up Routine

  1. Do an easy rope skip for one to two minute

  2. Do stretch exercise for 3 to 5 minute

Aerobic Routine (at least twice per week M,W,Sa)

  1. Wind sprints:

Running distance_repetitions_rest time

Swimming distance_repetitive_rest

  1. Mid-distance workout

Do a 400-yard run

Flexibility Routine (at least five to six times a week)

  1. Floor reaches (repeat 10 times from upright position)

  2. Backbends (hold 10 seconds each and repeat 10 times)

  3. Isometric stretch (do it 10 times holding 10 seconds at each)

Strength Routine (alternate with aerobic and do it at least two times per week)


  1. Press:

Weight ___ Repetitions __ sets __ Rest time__

  1. Curls:

Weight ___ Repetitions __ sets __ Rest time__

  1. Bench press:

Weight ___ Repetitions __ sets __ Rest time__

  1. Squats:

Weight ___ Repetitions __ sets __ Rest time__

Cool Down Routine(every day after aerobic and strength routine)

Walk for about five minutes to make sure that the muscles cool down

Since the main objective of the exercise is to reduce weight and risks from diseases the diet which is prescribed to the patient should also aim at that objective. The patient needs to drink and eat less and when eating or drinking make sure they eat healthy foods. The patient should avoid foods which have a lot of sugar especially drinks, processed foods as well as fast foods.

The following are the recommended diet for the special group:

  • Take a lot of fruits and vegetables which are of different colors on a daily basis.

  • Consume grain foods especially the whole grain which contains a lot of fiber and they should be of different varieties

  • Avoid red meat and instead take white meat such as lean, poultry, fish, and eggs.

  • Take a lot of yogurts or some alternative but make sure that they have reduced fat in them.

  • Take a lot of water on daily basis

  • Limit taking foods which contain saturated fat, added salt and alcohol.

The patient should gradually reduce the uptake of food since sudden might lead to illness or cause side effects such as bad breathing, diarrhea, and headaches.

 Progression of the exercise program

Easy rope skips for one to two minute

Week 1 week 2 week 3

Rope skips wind sprints Weight lifting

Set#1: 2minutes- 8 reps 20m: per 30 second 50lbs- 8 reps

Set#2: 3 Minutes-8 reps 50m: per 50seconds 55lbs- 8 reps

Set#3: 3 minutes- 10 reps 75m: per 50 seconds 60lbs- 8 reps


American College of Sports Medicine. (2014). ACSM's guidelines for exercise testing and

prescription (9th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Cornelissen, V., & Fagard, R.H. 2005. Effects of endurance training on blood pressure, blood pressure-regulating mechanisms, and cardiovascular risk factors. Hypertension, 46, 667–75.

Robert-McComb, J. 2007. Cancer in the elderly: Exercise intervention increases the quality of life in patients with multiple myeloma. ACSM’s Certified News, 17 (2), 1–3.

Stumvoll, M., Goldstein, B.J., & van Haeften, T.W. 2005. Type 2 diabetes: Principles of pathogenesis and therapy. Lancet, 365,1333–46.