7 pages essay

The Sheridan Baker Thesis Machine

Step 1: Topic

            State the topic under consideration.

            a. freshman composition

            b. grades

            c. grade inflation

Step 2: Issue

            State the specific issue in the form of a debating proposition.

a.      Resolved: Freshman composition should be abolished.

b.        Resolved: Grades are unnecessary in college.

c.         Resolved: Grade inflation has negative outcomes.

Step 3: Position + Rationale (Because-clause)  [Rough thesis]

Using a because-clause, convert the resolution into a sentence that states your position on the issue and provides a main rationale for that position.

a.      Freshman composition should not be abolished because many freshmen are unpracticed writers.

b.      Grades are unnecessary in college because students learn more rapidly without them.

c.       Grade inflation has negative outcomes because students are not awarded grades they have earned.

Step 4: Polish and qualify (although clause)

Refine the rough thesis: add any qualifications (although-clauses are good for this) and consider dropping overt use of because.

a.      Although gifted high school graduates should be exempt from freshman composition, most entering students need help in attaining college writing skills.

b.      Although there may be a legitimate need to evaluate the work of college students, the traditional grading system hinders learning and stifles creativity.

c.       Although students and parents might be pleased with the appearance of inflated grades, this abuse of the system fosters negative effects because of the lowering of academic standards.

Step 5: Reverse and test

Test your faith in the thesis and expose potential counter-arguments by reversing your position.

a.      Although introductory composition may have remedial value for some students, most high school graduates possess writing skills sufficient for success in college courses.

b.       Traditional grading procedures may offend educational purists, but public school systems require pragmatic approaches to evaluation.

d.      Although educators worry of lowered academic standards, grade inflation provides

provides students and parents with a sense of accomplishment.