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Consequences Matter —

UtilitarianismChapter 3

Learning Objectives

After reading this chapter, you w ill be able to:3.1 Define “Utilitarianism” and understand the moral choices and consequences of this philosophy as they apply to real life.3.2 Articulate the relation of general happiness to Utilitarian arguments according to Bentham and Mill.3.3 Critically analyze whether and how one might distinguish between one happiness and another.3.4 Discuss Utilitarianism as it may apply to contemporary moral questions.

Teleological Theories

Focus on the consequences of actions. Right actions are equated w ith those that produce things of value. 2/23/2017



U tilitarianism -an act is good if it maximizes the greatest amount of good.An act is right if and only if no other act available to the moral agent maximizes utility more than the act decided upon.


Utilitarianism -an act is good if it maximizes the greatest amount of good, pleasure, or utility.Bentham -greatest overall Quantity . The hedonic calculus can be used to evaluate potential pleasure.Mill -Quality w ill lead to quantity of pleasure. Higher pleasures are better than low er pleasures.

Bentham claims that:

"Nature has placed mankind under two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. I t is for them alone to point out w hat w e ought to do, as w ell as determine w hat w e shall do" 2/23/2017


Principle of Utility

By the principle of utility he means, "that principle w hich approves and disapproves of every action w hatsoever, according to the tendency w hich it appears to have to augment or diminish happiness".

Hedonic Calculus

Acts of pleasure - IntensityDurationCertainty Propinquity -(nearness) Consequences - Fecundity -the chances that it will be followed by more of the same, Purity -the chances that the pleasure will not be followed by pain Extent -the number of people it affects

Quality over Quantity

"I t is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied...It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied." 2/23/2017


Higher vs. Lower Pleasures

“I f one of the tw o [pleasures] is, by those w ho are competently acquainted w ith both, placed so far above the other that they… w ould not resign it for any quantity of the other pleasure w hich their nature is capable of, w e are justified in ascribing to the preferred enjoyment a superiority in quality, so far outw eighing quantity as to render it, in comparison, of small account.”

Mill Claims:

Mill claims that the Hedonic calculus is impossible because the nature of pain and pleasure are such that no meaningful standard can be established to w eigh one pleasure against one pain. He thinks that QU ALI TY pleasures w ill lead to a greater quantity of pleasure.

Utilitarianism is not Egoism

"The happiness w hich forms the utilitarian standard of w hat is right conduct, is not the agent’s ow n happiness, but that of all concerned..." I n this w ay, the rightness or w rongness of an act is not based upon the consequences of pain and pleasure for yourself, but also those consequences for others.