Group Paper

Campaign Memo: Climate Change

The social media campaign we plan to formulate is the pressing issue of climate change. By focusing on the variety of issues regarding climate change across the world will be the basis of our campaign. With each part of the world affected differently by climate change, it is among the most discerning realities that our generation is facing. With recent changes in political administration which cut EPA funding which will impact our environment to come. Climate change is something that transcends all boundaries and affects all people. The rapid rise of greenhouse gases and immense burning of fossil fuels across the global has fueled drastic changes in our environment. The plethora of different effects and implications of climate change that are

Our intended audience will be millennials who are big on social media and are the current driving factors to shape the future of our planet. We are exploring using the company Camelbak which offer different hydration packs, water bottles and other drinkable items to be the sponsor. As a company that focuses on hiking, water and nature they would be an instinctive fit for our campaign. Camelbak appeals to our target audience and is big on consumer social responsibility. According to Camelbak’s website, “CamelBak is fully committed to actions that create positive change for the individuals and communities we proudly serve.”

We want the face of our campaign to be someone with credibility, rather than popularity. By focusing on credibility rather than garnering media attention can enhance the reach and success of the campaign among our target audience. Someone that can address the issues we want to bring to light with genuine knowledge on the topic, not just words read from a script. Our millennial audience will appreciate the authenticity of this man or woman.