i need to answer some questions about statistics

Q1: Which statement is correct?

The median of a set of data is more representative than the mean when the mean is larger than most of the observations.

In a histogram, the proportion of the total area which must be to the left of the median is less than 0.50 if the distribution is negatively skewed.

Chebysheff's Theorem applies only to data sets that have a bell shaped distribution.

A data sample has a mean of 107, a median of 122, and a mode of 134. The distribution of the data is positively skewed.

A population with 200 elements has a variance of 20. From this information, it can be shown that the population standard deviation is 10.

Q2: Which statements are correct?

In a histogram, each observation is assigned to one or more classes.

An automobile insurance agent believes that company "A" is more reliable than company "B". The scale of measurement that this information represents is the ordinal scale.

A relative frequency distribution describes the proportion of data values that fall within each category.

The sum of cumulative relative frequencies always equals 1.

A bar chart is used to represent interval data.

Q3: In a questionnaire, respondents are asked to mark their gender as male or female. Gender is an example of the

ratio scale

ordinal scale

interval scale

nominal scale

Q4: Which statements are incorrect?

The mean of fifty sales receipts is $65.75 and the standard deviation is $10.55. Using Chebysheff's Theorem, 75% of the sales receipts were between $44.65 and $86.85.

The distance between the 25th percentile and the median is always the same as the distance between the median and the 75th percentile.

The 5-number summary consists of the smallest observation, the first quartile, the median, the third quartile, and the largest observation.

The range is considered the weakest measure of variability.

If two data sets have the same standard deviation, they must have the same coefficient of variation.

Q5: Download the dataset containing Apple stock prices: Apple Stock - Dataset.xlsx  

1. Build relative frequency and cumulative relative frequency table for "Open" column, containing 10 classes, in Excel

2. Based on the table build the histogram for the data.

Build the table using basic Excel functions, such as =FREQUENCY() function or Pivot Table functionality. Do not use Megastat or any other package. The mark will be 0 if Megastat is used. 

Upload the Excel file, containing the original dataset, the table and the histogram for marking.