write a theater paper

Production Paper Structure/Format

Student’s Name:

Student’s Roster #:

Performance Date:

What is the Genre/Form?


Justify your answer.

What Styles and Theatrical Conventions are utilized in the Production?

Opening/Lead Statement: Your opening paragraph should make a clear statement or point about the production. A good opening statement will foreshadow the main points you intend to make in the body of the paper.

Thought/Themes/Ideas: Write a paragraph or more, outlining, any thoughts, themes, and ideas presented in the play. What is the playwright trying to say with this production?

Plot/Action: As briefly as possible, pinpoint the dramatic structure. How does the playwright organize the story? Is there a prologue? Soliloquies (solo monologues) that move the action along? How is the exposition handled? Is there a chorus and how are they utilized?

Language/Diction: What type of Language is used? Does the playwright use simple, straightforward, everyday language? Does the playwright use more complex language? Please include a direct “quote” from the play to demonstrate your statements regarding the language used.

Characters: Select and write a paragraph about any pivotal character in the play. You can choose any character you wish. How does the character impact the story?

Music: Write a paragraph about the music and sounds presented in the production. How do you think the music and/or sounds create mood and/or impact the overall feeling of the production?

Spectacle: Write about the impact and overall cohesiveness of the costumes, lighting and set design. Does the spectacle enhance the production?

Closing: End your paper with clear statement about the overall impact of the elements utilized within the production.