Peer review Worksheet on Research Project

LIB495 Peer Review Worksheet

  1. Is the paper’s thesis clearly stated? Try to state what you think the thesis is, so the author can see if you understood the paper properly.

  1. Does the thesis seem original and significant? How might the author better communicate the importance of the research project?

  1. As far as you can tell, does the bibliography include a sufficient number and variety of sources? Do the references seem like the right kind of sources for the paper’s project? Do the sources seem reliable? What other types of sources might the author consult?

  1. Does the paper provide adequate evidence to prove that the thesis is true? What sort of evidence is missing? How could the argument be strengthened?

  1. Does the paper adequately anticipate and respond to possible objections? What other specific objections ought the author consider?

  1. Does the author’s writing style seem appropriate? Does the order and structure of the paper make sense? How might the author make the paper’s argument clearer and more convincing?

  1. What other advice do you have to improve the paper?