Peer Review Worksheet

LIB495 Peer Review Worksheet

Review on Margret

1. Is the paper’s thesis clearly stated? Try to state what you think the thesis is, so the author can see if you understood the paper properly.

The paper thesis is not clearly stated. However, the thesis is about gender biasedness in the classroom. Margret conducts a research on why certain areas of study are discouraged or encouraged based on gender. For instance in girls are treated differently by teachers in studies such as science, technology, engineering, and math.

2. Does the thesis seem original and significant? How might the author better communicate the importance of the research project?

The thesis is original and significant the problem being researched by Margret is evident in almost every classroom worldwide. Margret has clearly stated the importance of the thesis and ways to solve the problem hence there is no need for her to add anything to better communicate the research project.

3. As far as you can tell, does the bibliography include a sufficient number and variety of sources? Do the references seem like the right kind of sources for the paper’s project? Do the sources seem reliable? What other types of sources might the author consult?

As far as I can tell Margret has used a sufficient number of sources and variety of sources to reference her research. She has utilized multiple journals and articles which have information on the research she was conducting and hence the sources are reliable. However, she could also have consulted books of authors who have written about the topic from various libraries to add on what she got from her other sources.

4. Does the paper provide adequate evidence to prove that the thesis is true? What sort of evidence is missing? How could the argument be strengthened?

The evidence provided in the thesis is adequate hence proving that it’s true. This is clearly evident Margret states how it is assumed that girls are better placed in art, music and grammar courses hence there is no evidence missing. However, the Margret could have added a table showing statistics of how teachers display their gender biasedness in classrooms. She could also have added a simple line graph showing the relativeness of bias between boys and girls in class as this could significantly strengthen her argument.

5. Does the paper adequately anticipate and respond to possible objections? What other specific objections ought the author consider?

The paper adequately anticipates and responds to all possible objections. Hence therein my point of view Margret does not need to respond to any other objection.

6. Does the author’s writing style seem appropriate? Does the order and structure of the paper make sense? How might the author make the paper’s argument clearer and more convincing?

The writing style used by Margret is appropriate and the order and structure of her research proposal make sense as she has properly organized it into paragraphs. Each paragraph clearly displays its main point and in addition, she has back her argument with reliable sources. However, to make her paper more convincing she should make her thesis as straight forward as possible since a thesis is the base of the argument in the paper.

7. What other advice do you have to improve the paper?

To improve the paper I would recommend that she adds a conclusion to her research proposal. In the conclusion, she should briefly summarize the main points and also give her final views based on the research in the paper. This would enable a reader to easily get an overview of what the entire paper entails hence aiding better understanding of the topic being researched.