global system


For the first Milestone you will assess the relationships among Earth’s cycles and systems. You will use this information to determine how each of these contribute to the climate related impact or natural hazard event you have previously chosen for use in your communication project.

Each section will be worth 25 points and any required graphs, charts or visuals will be worth 5 points – so read carefully!

Remember cycles (water, CO2, Nitrogen, Milankovitch) & Systems (Biosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Lithosphere).

Section 1:

Name the specific impact/hazard you are investigating.

Describe how the impact/hazard formed.

Describe the location and add a map.

Describe the population (demographic makeup).

Section 2:

Identify Earth cycles and systems influencing your impact/hazard.

Section 3:

Describe whether these influencing factors have been consistent over time or are changing.

Section 4:

Asa result of any potential change in the interaction of the cycles and systems you identified is the risk of a repeat event greater or less than in the past?

Answer each of the questions in a complete sentence

Label each of your sections, Section 1, Section 2, etc.

Submit your completed work in the designated dropbox

Responses should be single spaced – 12 font (your choice of font type) – be reasonable!