Ethics Paper

Ethics Paper 1

Ethics Paper 2

Ethics Paper 3

Ethics Paper 4

Article 1:

Article 2:

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Christian Worldview/Statistics Integration Paper 



Less than Satisfactory




100.0 %Content


70.0 %Ethical issue summarized Responses to the question(s) in the text provided Issue addressed from a Christian worldview

Little or no items addressed per the assignment requirements.

Most items not addressed.

Most items addressed; however, some items required additional detail or not addressed at all.

All items addressed with a certain degree of detail.

All items addressed with excellent detail.

5.0 %Word Count (entire paper)

Word Count (entire paper) less than 800 words.

Word Count (entire paper) from 800-999 words.

Word Count (entire paper) from 1000-1100 words.

Word Count (entire paper) from 1100-1299 words.

Word Count (entire paper) equal to or at least 1300 words.

5.0 %Evidence and references to other sources

Evidence was absent, inappropriate, and/or irrelevant.

Weak, marginal evidence was present.

A diversity of evidence quantity and types was minimally present.

A diversity of evidence quantity and types was mostly present.

A diversity of evidence quantity and types was present.

10.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, proper documentation of sources)

Surface errors were pervasive enough that they impeded communication of meaning.

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors that distracted the reader were present.

Some mechanical errors or typos were present; however, they were not overly distracting to the reader.

Prose was largely free of mechanical errors, although a few errors were present.

Writer was clearly in control of standard, written American English.

10.0 %Documentation Format (includes use of appropriate style, correct in-text and citation format, etc.)

Rarely followed any documentation format correctly.

Frequent formatting/ citation errors were present.

Some documentation format or citation errors were present; however, they were not overly distracting to the reader.

There were some minor errors in documentation format or citation.

There were virtually no errors in documentation format or citation.

100 %Total Weightage


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