Final Visitation Rep

The Oxford Property Group is a large company that specializes in IT investment, developing and selling homes and offers office management services. It operates in several branches in New York making it a successful real estate management company. It has over one hundred and one employees working in all its branches. The main departments are the human resource, Information Technology, sales and marketing, store, construction and administrative departments. It is located in a silent environment, and its color and décor are well established.

The office layout and ventilations are well established, and air conditioning equipment installed. The company’s processes are well planned to ensure efficiency during operations. It advertises it services through different media platforms and through billboards to reach people. Most of its customers are from the United States but also has a few international customers. The company is well recognized and offers a good working environment that everybody would want to work in.

Governmental regulations

The Oxford property Group operates under government regulations which ensure that the company follows the right methods. Some of the regulations that are strictly adhered to by the company are acquiring diverse licenses regularly, employees wearing name tags at work for identity, registration of new employees, filling of tax returns every year, registering employee unions, safety standards improvement and equipment maintenance.

The Organizational structure

Oxford Property Group operates under a divisional structure which provides privileges to managers in all branches to work in diverse departments. The divisional structure enables the branches working in different geographical areas to operate separately but work towards a common goal. The divisional structure mandates diverse departments in the organization to make informed decisions towards achieving the company’s predefined goals.

Recruitment methods

The company uses indirect and third party recruitment methods to get new employees. Indirect recruitment involves advertising of available positions on the media or other platforms. The candidates apply for those posts in a stipulated duration after which the qualified are shortlisted and called for interviews. The most qualified are listed and offered appointment letters. They are then invited for an induction process and later designated diverse duties depending on their applications.

In the third party recruitment method, the company hires a recruitment agency that spearheads the whole recruitment process. The agency advertises for the available jobs, shortlists a few candidates, calls them for interview and lastly selects the qualified. The agency management then avails the selected candidates to the company for induction and further training. The agency operates like a business but ensures the company gets the best employees.

Job analysis and Description

The management at Oxford property Group under the supervision of the human resource department conducts the job analysis. The projects aim at ensuring that the best candidates are selected to fill the available positions. The analysis also enables the management to pay the workers depending on their performance and positions. Once the job analysis is conducted a job description is developed to guide the recruitment process. The job requirements, qualifications, skills, experience and salary ranges are stipulated here. This enables the company to ensure the shortlisted candidates have sufficient experience, skills, and qualifications to work in the departments.

Company Policies

The company operates under a set of policies that ensure the processes in the organization are conducted in an ethical manner. The policies define the expected code of conduct for all employees and the consequences in case the rules are broken. The policy document also includes the expected safety standards and how the employees are expected to implement them. The employees are therefore required to adhere to set policies and to acknowledge its benefits.

The Oxford property Group provides appropriate protection of its employees from any dangers or injury within the organization. The management, therefore, enforces the use of common ergonomics standards in the workplace to avoid such incidents. The company also has included a policy that aims at equipping its employees with legal knowledge. This will assist them in case there are problems in the union or in the workplace that needs legal attention. This is a basic requirement in administrative management because the policies guide the manager and the employees.

Performance Appraisal

The Oxford property Group conducts regular performance appraisal to measure how the company is performing towards achieving its objectives. The appraisal is conducted yearly so that the annual profit margin can also be analyzed. The employees are also put under scrutiny to find out those who performed well. The external auditor through the human resource department does the financial analysis and writes a report. The human resource department oversees the whole process and gives a final report about the performance. Once the report is released, the employees are awarded depending on their performance as a way to motivate them.

Visitation Questionnaire and Findings


Synopsis of Observation /Question

  1. Name of Business

Oxford Property Group

  1. Address

286 Fifth Avenue 8th Floor New York 10001

  1. Name and title of the person you interviewed

Adam Mahfouda

  1. Contact information for the person you interviewed


  1. Number of employees

101 employees

  1. Type of organizational structure (Module 3 readings)

Divisional structure

  1. What type of training is offered to new employees (Module 4 readings)? Does your training differ based on type of employee (clerical, administrative, technical)?

Onboarding training

New employees are trained as a team before they are designated to carry out diverse tasks.

  1. Do you provide professional development and/or training opportunities for experience employees? Name the types of training offered (Module 4 readings).

Yes. Professional development is provided. The types of training include safety, managerial, team and legal training

  1. What are the major governmental regulations that govern your workplace (Module 5 readings)?

Wearing name tags at work, registration of new employees, filling of tax returns every year, registering employee unions and safety standards improvement.

  1. Do you perform a job analysis and then write a job description and job specification for each position (Module 4 readings)? Why or why not?

Yes. We write both because it helps in specifying the kind or employees we are looking for. Helps in selecting the right candidates

  1. What methods do you use to recruit new employees (Module 4 readings)?

The company uses indirect and third party methods

  1. Do you have a written discipline policy and what are some of the major aspects (Module 8 readings)?

Yes. The policy provides the consequences in case an employer does wrong. Like suspension or losing the job.

  1. Do you conduct Performance Appraisals, and how often (Module 5 readings)? Are they useful in measuring performance?

Yes. The appraisal is conducted yearly. Performance appraisals are useful because they help identify areas that need improvement

  1. What benefits do you provide to employees (see Chapter 8)?

Provides retirement benefits, Life insurance, paid leave, health insurance and flexible compensations

  1. Is your workforce unionized? Do you think a unionized workforce would be beneficial or not?

Yes. The union is crucial because it unites the workers and are able to interact effectively.

  1. Observe office lighting and provide notes here (Module 7 readings/videos). You might ask for a tour of the workplace to make these observations—if you are doing a phone interview, ask about office lighting and the effects on productivity.

The office lighting is sufficient and it provides enough light to employees. In case there are power failures a generator is used to ensure there is enough light. Therefore, the lighting in the organization is sufficient. There is high production due to sufficient lighting.

  1. Observe office color/décor (Module 7 readings/videos) and provide notes here. If you are doing a phone interview, ask about office decor and the effects on productivity.

The company is painted in purple color and the offices looking appearing. The decor so far has been reviewed by customers as the best. So far the color/Décor has not affected productivity.

  1. Observe office noise (Module 7 readings). If you are doing a phone interview, ask about office noise and the effects on productivity.

The office noise is not much. Only from printers and therefore does not affect the working environment negatively. The environment assures high productivity.

  1. Observe office air control (Module 7 readings/videos). If you are doing a phone interview, ask about air control (heat, A/C) and the effects on productivity.

Air is controlled using fun in diverse offices. The offices are always hot especially in the afternoon. So the fun make the office cool, and therefore employees work in a cool environment. This has improved the work rate

  1. Observe office work flow (Module 7 readings/videos). If you are doing a phone interview, ask about office workflow and the effects on productivity.

The work flow is not equal in all days. It is always high in the first four days of the week. The other days the work flow is low. When the work flow is low the company does not meet its targets.

  1. Describe the policies around office ergonomics (Module 7 readings/videos).

The common ergonomics policies are use of standard furniture, standard office layout and proper use of accessories to ensure the employee is free from injuries related to working environment.

  1. Does your organization have a written Workplace Safety Policy (Module 6 readings)? What is it, and which aspects are the most important?

Yes it has. The safety policy safeguards the workers and customers from any cases of injury. The major aspect explains what the employees should do in case there is fire or electric outbreak.

  1. What systems do you have in place to protect your paper and computer files (Module 7 readings)?

The company has cabinets to ensure the documents are safe. The computer files are backed up and also protected with passwords.

  1. Do you have a replacement schedule for office equipment and technology (Module 7 readings)? What is the schedule?

Yes we have. Replacement schedule of office equipment is not common because most equipment are long lasting. Since technology changes day in day out, the company ensures the modern technology is integrated regularly. Replacement goes after every one year

  1. What software do you commonly use (Module 7 readings)?

We have the management Information System, Office Suit and AutoCAD.

  1. Which is the minimum amount you pay your workers

The least amount paid to workers is approximately $230

  1. Which benefit is given to the retirees and after how long?

They receive a retirement package called Pension plus their union savings. Paid one year after retirement

  1. Ask them for any specific advice they would give to you and your classmates to prepare for a career in their field; i.e. specific courses, skills, attitudes, behavioral traits, work habits, personal characteristics (Module 9 readings).

  • Ensure you practice various practical skills acquired in college.

  • Remain focused on the area of specification.

  • Develop a strategy with objectives that will guide you during your internship.