Writing HW (Research Paper)

Social Media And The Communication

Today, social media is a term that is used between people and by know everyone knows what does it stands for. In the most remote areas of the world at least heard about Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and many other applications that are available for the people. And probably most of the people are using them on regular basis. Nowadays, social media in present is different, and it made a difference in our life. Social media has been relatively for short term and even people can’t imagine living without it. Social media can be defined, because I think that doesn’t stands for only one meaning, even though its one word but it may have a great difference in the definition. I am going to discuss how is social media affects youth and teenagers, less self-esteem, damaging social skills, Isolation and preferring online texting (less sociable), facilitate laziness and reduce family closeness.

Less self-esteem, is mostly how you feel and judge about yourself. It is negative on our life and had a lot of negative effects on the person, students spend most of their time either in school, at home, even if they are doing their homework they still use their phones in texting, sharing, scrolling, trolling. People with low self-esteem focus on not making mistakes in life, so people will avoid facing people face to face, one of the negative points of low self-esteem is depression. People with less self-esteem always stays negative in the events and they are more trouble by failure. For example, they always face social anxiety and they have low levels of interpersonal communication. So, all of this lead to feel awkward, shy and many other negatives while communicating in personal.

Damaging social skills, social media is running our face to face social skills, even though social media is good and it help people to communicate all around the world, but still it keeps us behind small screens, in 2002 only 10% of the world population uses cell phones, while by 2005 this number increased to 46%. It is a huge different. As I mentioned even though the social media is good but still we feel that it is transforming our culture. This does not only affect the face to face communication but it also affects the relationship between people. The new generation is having lack of interest in talking between each other. Decrease language skills, most of the original languages in neglected while chatting, people started to change the words form such as shortened and making new version of the words, people do that to make the message much quicker. This all shows that the society is no longer functioning healthily in social situations.

The social media changed our way in communications, some people may be able how to balance between how to communicate behind the screen and face to face, but unfortunately a lot of other people can’t do that. According to a research in California state university, the social media is enriching the online relationships and it is keeping our real-life communication in rest mood. This leads us to lose some close people in our virtual world.

Social media is not damaging our commutation life but also it may damage our health, such as making us lazy, for example instead of running to our friends, now a day we can just text them while sitting in the room, or for example instead of walking upstairs to call my family for a dinner I can just sent a small text. and that makes us

lazier. What seems to us that social media is much more convenient that means it makes us lazier.

Social media keeps us a way from our family, for example when my family watch a movie, I always prefer to stay in my room chatting with my friends, maybe because I don’t like the kind of movies they watch, the reason for me is unknown sometime I feel that we are addicted to social media. Family is very important in our life, our parents always keeps us on the correct line, also they always help you succeed in life, because they experienced the same life before, so always I like to stay close to my family and listen to what they say.

In conclusion, we can conclude that social media offers negative aspect on people such as damaging social skills, people started to stay away from face to face communicating, and they prefer to communicate by texting. It makes us lazier as I mentioned in my body paragraph instead of running and playing with the friends, now a day we can just text them. Also, social media makes us away from our family, family is great gift from god, without family children’s will be lost and they will complete their life on the wrong track. Parents are our eyes to future. we need to change our daily life style, we need to start depending on face to face communication, keep the phones away while sitting with friends. And we all look for a good future, I don’t mean that we shouldn’t use technology but we need to balance between our life and between it.


Low Self Esteem https://www.simplypsychology.org/self-esteem.html

Negative impact of social media https://rampages.us/peasedn200/2015/12/01/final-inquiry-project/

The disadvantages of social media http://www.rootsofaction.com/disadvantages-of-social-networking/