Wendy Lewis only

WEEK 4 Discussion Board Interaction


RE: The Sacred/Secular Divide

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Thank you for your thoughts on this important matter.  You make an interesting point in talking about culture and not it being an easy thing to address.  Due to my work, I believe it to be the opposite.  When we demonstrate a genuine concern and interest in other people I have found most people want to talk about their beliefs, values and opinions.  Christians in Western societies especially in the United States have chosen to disengage on important subject because of conflict.  We retreat instead of spending the time investigating why people formulate the beliefs they hold to.  We avoid being active in our faith to be inactive all because we don't want to be rejected.  It's the past part of your comment that our country now longer puts God as our foundation.

It is hard to keep our lives united in Jesus instead of dividing on what is sacred and what is secular.  But by the definitions given in the video lesson I don't agree with the definitions given but understand that people misunderstand that faith can be attained by reason as well as by the heart. 

I really appreciated your sharing.  God bless!

David Pierce


Bryant Harrison

RE: The Sacred and Secular Divide


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I would agree to you that the media has a big impact on a lot of people. They influence the way we view government, religion, the world, etc... It is a shame that their influence has directly impacted the culture to hang up their Bible and settle for co-existence. In the process they have and are still scrubbing every public building or place of Christianity. I'm surprised they haven't removed crosses from cemeteries because it offends someone. No matter what they remove or try to erase from history, God will always prevail. 

I completely understand where you are coming from when you say you are afraid to share the gospel with someone. Just know we all experience fear at some point so don't feel embarrassed. I think everyone at some point in their life has had to overcome the fear of sharing their faith. Let me encourage you to continue in your studies and to continue to develop your passion for Christ. Ultimately it is Christ that will bring you through this fear. A good idea to overcome this fear would be to practice sharing the gospel with a Christian friend or family member. Make it someone you trust and you know will want to see you succeed in this area. They can pretend to be unsaved and ask questions, while you practice sharing the gospel with them. This will help you to build your confidence and help prepare you for questions unsaved people will ask. As the old sports saying goes, practice how your going to play. I hope this will be something you will consider and I look forward to your growth as a Christian. 


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