Urban homeowrk


Technical Requirements for Paper and Power Point Submissions

  1. Maximum file size 30 MB (over 30 MB will receive a grade of 0)

  2. Microsoft Power Point .ppt or .pptx files only (.pptm, PDF, or zip files NOT ACCEPTED);

  3. Microsoft WORD .doc or .docx files only (PDF or zip files NOT ACCEPTED)

  4. Drop Box submissions only (no email submissions-no exceptions). Submissions deposited in the wrong DROP BOX will receive a grade of 0.


The purpose of Activity 3 and Paper 3 is to gain a better understanding of what makes urban spaces (plazas, small parks, sidewalks, etc) workable for human use and interaction.

Paper 3- complete this paper first, then develop your power point

(due in the Paper 3 DROP BOX no later than 10:00 a.m., MONDAY, June 12)

Before writing this 1 page paper, read the “Social Life of Small Urban Spaces-synopsis” at https://braverosie.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/the-social-life-of-small-urban-space-william-h-whyte/, and watch the 59 minute video Social Life of Small Urban Spaces at https://archive.org/details/SmallUrbanSpaces (both listed under the week of May 29 on page 5 of the Syllabus). In your paper, identify and discuss specific characteristics of small urban plazas that are necessary to make these spaces most functional. In your discussion of each characteristic, identify HOW the characteristic is beneficial to functionality of urban spaces.

Activity 3- Power Point

(due in the Activity 3 DROP BOX no later than 10:00 a.m., MONDAY, June 12)

Find LOW RESOLUTION photos on-line for your power point that represent characteristics you’ve discussed in your paper. Identify each photo (location), what the photo represents, and the specific characteristic that you are representing with the photo. Based on knowledge you’ve learned with this assignment- also include photos of urban spaces that ARE NOT very functional- identify why these spaces are not functional. Your PowerPoint must be between 10-15 slides AND your submitted file CANNOT BE MORE THAN 30 MB. I’m looking for a strong sense of creativity with this PowerPoint.