reflective jorunal

Final Reflection Project (10%)

Due on Wednesday, June 28th by end of day, posted on uLearn

Objective: To be able to articulate and reflect on your travel and tourism experiences while studying abroad and to be able to explain specific experiences unique to you and the program overall.

Each student will be asked to explain (in detail) specific aspects of their unique experiences, which will include reflection and relationships to general tourism experiences.


  • Prepare a complete project with specific pictures/supplementals (length of final project will vary).

    • Project may be submitted as either a Word Document -OR- by using Power Point (or Prezi).

      • If using Power Point or Prezi, please submit the project in only an Adobe PDF file on uLearn.

    • Project should be presented professionally, without errors regardless of format chosen.

      • Submission in Word

        • Standard, professional font style and size

        • Double spaced throughout

        • Insert supplementals (pictures) when discussed (end of paragraph)

      • Submission in PP

        • All sections/subsections should be on separate slide (some will flow over multiple slides)

        • Include a new title or use same title and cont. (Introduction, cont.) on each slide for clarity

        • Insert supplementals (pictures) on slide discussed (arrange appropriately)

All information and grading requirements for this assignment can be found in the grading explanation and rubric that follows below.


1 para = 1 complete (4-6 sentences) paragraph; PP slide equivalent to 1 para = 3-4 complete bullet points

1 para is the minimum requirement (you should not have less info and if you are over, then limit it to no more than double, so if 1 para, then 2 is max.)




Point Value

Looking Back/Overview

Provide a general review and personal reflection of your study abroad experience, be sure to use specific details where applicable (2-3 para.).

20 pts.


Provide your TOP TEN activities (individual; regardless of day) from throughout your time in Italy.

Briefly explain why for each (1 sentence/bullet statement).

15 pts.


Provide your NOT TOP FIVE activities (individual; regardless of day) from throughout your time in Italy.

Briefly explain why for each (1 sentence/bullet statement).

Provide 1-2 paragraphs (total) for this section on ways to improve these activities.

15 pts.

New Learning

Describe, using specific examples, what you have learned over your study abroad experience (.5 - 1 para. per example). You should identify and explain at least 5 different items (no more than 8).

20 pts.

Local Tourism

Using Sorrento as your main example, briefly describe the city’s/immediate area’s tourism attractions and what the city does to promote tourism (2-3 para.).

Compare and contrast (1-2 para.) these efforts to your hometown (where you were raised/live the most).

Which town/area (Sorrento or hometown) do you believe promotes tourism best and offer 2 suggestions to improve one or the other.

20 pts.


How have you grown (or further developed) personally and/or professionally (1 page) from this study abroad experience?

Please include specific examples (past vs now, if applicable).

20 pts.

Pictures and other supplemental

Use of pictures throughout project, with a minimum of 12 pictures (you must have taken and/or be in the pictures). May include other items as applicable also to fit this requirement.

15 pts.


Adequate spelling and grammar; MLA (APA) format

10 pts.


Each section is complete and thorough throughout; project is fully organized and easy to follow (see notes provided above for Word or PP); time, care, and attention to detail was taken with submission

15 pts.


150 points


Is there anything else you would like us (Dr. Don and/or Prof. Thorrson) to know about your experience with study abroad. Please be specific.

Not required

What advice do you want to share with next year’s group of students?

Two complete sentences/bullet statements may receive up to 5 bonus points (total of up to 10 possible).

Not required, up to 10 bonus points