Week 4 Price and Channel Strategy

Individual Assignment: Understanding Target Markets Week 2 Grading Guide

Week 2 Feedback



Partially Met

Not Met


Student creates the research section of his/her marketing plan and includes at least 3 elements of the research list of topics provided here:

  • Research List of Topics

    • Primary Research

    • Secondary Research

    • Consumer Analysis

    • Customer Profile

    • Continuous Consumer Monitoring & Research

    • Environmental Scanning

    • Identify Market, Economic, Technological, Regulatory, Legal, Social, and Ecological Forces

    • Current Opportunities

    • Potential Future Opportunities

    • Current Threats

    • Potential Future Threat

Any diagram(s) provided (not required) are in APA format and includes discussion providing insight and clarity.

There are at least 3 elements of the research list. Good SWOT analysis.

Student develops the first two parts of the Target Market section, which includes an overview of the demographics (age, income, family members, and birthdays) and psychographics (activities, interests, and opinions) analysis.

Demographics and psychographics characteristics are not clearly stated. More detailed information regarding the demographics and psychographics parameter would strengthened the paper.

Student explains the insights he/she has gained from his/her inspection and analysis of the demographic and psychographic information he/she has found.

The insights are clearly stated. Well done.

The Research section is a minimum of 700 words in length.

The paper is 827 words in length.

Total Available

Total Earned



Writing Guidelines


Partially Met

Not Met


The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements.

Few errors. Review the APA format to cite the references correctly.

Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page.


Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.


Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.


Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation.


Total Available

Total Earned




Assignment Total




Additional comments:

Very good job. Read my comments within the paper. Paper demonstrates an understanding of the concepts. Additional specific details about the analysis of the demographics and psychographic information and technological environment as well, would have strengthened your paper. Keep the good effort.