research paper


Ahmed Almounayan

Professor N. Tong

ENG 111/ ENF 3


Paper Outline

Topic: Why Colleges Need to Embrace the Apprenticeship

Working theses statement: Not adding apprenticeship to college education could affect negatively on students and affect students while doing their job with no experience so adding apprenticeship to college education could give students a first look on what they should do on their job and how to do it.


  1. What is an apprenticeship and how does it differ from an internship?

  2. What problems do apprenticeship solve?

  3. How apprenticeship affects student’s education?

  4. How apprenticeship affects students job?

  5. What negative outcomes could come from not having apprenticeship?

  6. What apprenticeship provides students with?

  7. Are other solution to job skills better?
