for michael smith only

Rise to the Top Action Plan

GEN/201 Version 7

University of Phoenix Material

Rise to the Top Action Plan

1. Academic and Professional SMART Goals

In the box below, write an academic SMART goal stating what you wish to accomplish by pursuing your education.

In the box below, write a professional SMART goal stating what you wish to accomplish professionally through the completion of a degree.

Professional SMART Goal

2. Goal Setting

In 200 to 250 words, discuss the resources, tools, and strategies you will use to achieve your SMART goals. You may include any graphics, tables, or other visuals that support your discussion. Include detailed discussion of the following:

  • How does setting SMART goals lead to success? Using areas identified by your ACES assessment, discuss specifically how you will improve these areas through the use of specific, measurable goals.

  • How can the concepts of “Grit” and Growth Mindset help you achieve long-term goals?

3. Communication

In 200 to 250 words, discuss the resources, tools, and strategies you will use to develop your communication skills. You may include any graphics, tables, or other visuals that support your discussion. Include detailed discussion of the following:

  • What has been the most challenging aspect of adjusting to life as a student at University of Phoenix? What has been the most rewarding aspect the learning environment?

  • How might communication processes (oral and written) help you advance in your education and your career? How is integrity a component of successful communication in academic and professional life?

  • What communication skills are preferred or required in the careers you researched during this course?

  • Why is diversity important to the workplace? How will your “diversity skillset” contribute to the workplace? When considering “diversity skillset” include factors, such as culture, class, ethnicity, and gender identity.

4. Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

In 200 to 250 words, discuss the resources, tools, and strategies you will use to develop your critical thinking and information literacy skills. You may include any graphics, tables, or other visuals that support your discussion. For this portion of the action plan, research and cite at least one academic source from the university library. Include detailed discussion of the following:

  • Define critical thinking as it relates to academic and professional success. What steps can you take to improve your critical-thinking skills?

  • What are at least two university resources you will use to ensure academic success?

  • How does using credible resources, both in the library and on the Internet, relate to academic and professional success?

5. Theory into Action

In 200 to 250 words, review the theories studied throughout the course and discuss one. Include detailed discussion of the following:

  • How does one theory you have studied in this course apply to your learning experience or future career goals? Theories include uncertainty reduction theory, attribution theory, Grit, growth mindset, and impression management.

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