this homework for Adrian Monroe so please don't send me MSG

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Zhenhu Jin, Professor of Finance
E-MAIL: [email protected]
FIN 390
This course provides an overview of personal and family financial management with an emphasis on budgets, tax management, credit management, investment selection, insurance selection, retirement planning and estate planning. Business majors may take this course only as a free elective.
This course offers an overview of personal and family financial management with an emphasis on budgets, tax management, investment and insurance selection, long-term financial and estate planning. It will enable the students to sort through the maze and make sound personal finance decisions.
The major objectives of this course are:
a. to gain an understanding of the basic concepts of personal and family financial management;
b. to enhance the awareness of the various issues in long-term financial and estate planning;
c. to learn how to make sound personal finance decisions in an environment with increasing savings, credit, insurance, and investment options.
TEXT - Personal Finance - 10th Edition, by Kapoor, Dlabay, and Hughes, McGraw-Hill Irwin
FINANCIAL CALCULATOR - you will need a financial calculator for this course. I strongly encourage you to use Texas Instruments BA II PLUS as I am very familiar with it and will be able to help you learn how to use it.
Class participation is extremely important for this online course. You are required to respond to all the discussion questions posted by the instructor each week. In addition, you are expected to comment on other students postings and respond to the instructor's follow up questions. You must respond to the discussion questions during the week they are posted. Each student must post on at least 3 days during the week. For the purpose of this course, each week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
E-mail is used to enhance communication between the students and me. You are encouraged to send E-mail to me to ask questions related to the course work. From time to time, students may receive emails from me about current events, announcements, etc. Please check your E-mail on a regular basis.
Suggested homework assignments will be given for each chapter though they will not be collected or graded. The assignments are intended to help you to understand the materials covered in each chapter. The key to the assigned problems will be provided. Students are urged to do all the assignments either individually or in groups. If you have any question, please contact me.
Your course grade will be determined on the basis of the following:
a. Quizzes: There will be quizzes after each chapter - 80%
b. Class participation and discussion - 20%
All work in this course will be under the university's honor code system.
TENTATIVE COURSE PLAN (Materials to be covered and the suggested homework assignments)
Week 1
Chapter 1 - Personal Financial Basics
Chapter 2 - Financial Aspects of Career Planning
Chapter 3 - Money Management Strategy: Financial Statements and Budgeting
Week 2
Chapter 4 Planning Your Tax Strategy
Chapter 5 - Financial Services: Savings Plans and Payment Accounts
Week 3
Chapter 6 - Introduction to Consumer Credit
Chapter 7 - Choosing a Source of Credit: The Costs of Credit Alternatives
Week 4
Chapter 8 - Consumer Purchasing Strategies and Legal Protection 
Chapter 10 - Property and Motor Vehicle Insurance
Week 5
Chapter 14 - Investing in Stocks
Chapter 15 - Investing in Bonds
Week 6
Chapter 16 - Investing in Mutual Funds