Research-Driven Long, Formal Report

Running head: CUSTOMER SERVICE 1

Customer Service

Alexander Melendez


Anna Copeland Wheatley

June 19, 2017

Improving a Company’s Customer Services

Quality customer service is an emerging trend in today’s dynamic world whereby companies are struggling to gain wide customer base. Profit maximization and shareholder wealth maximization are many firm’s goals and it customer service is the basis of it all. When customers purchase goods, it is essential that after sales service is provided by organizations since the current market is competitive (Blunt, Hill-Wilson, & Ward, n.d.). This way, differentiation and innovative strategy is achieved. Treating customers with respect, attending to their complaints and returns as well as understanding their needs improves their satisfaction hence translating to loyalty to a company products or services. During recruitment, it is essential to consider candidates who relate well with others so that customers are not lost to competitors (Heymann, 2015). Customers are a major determinant of a company’s profit, productivity and going concern.


Blunt, C., Hill-Wilson, M., & Ward, A. Delivering effective social customer service.

Heymann, M. (2015). Spotlight on Service: Integrating Workforce Management With Employee Engagement to Optimize Customer Satisfaction and Profitability. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 34(5), 6-12.