Homework Assignment

Introduction to Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measures: Week 7 Introduction to Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measures:

Week 7 Program Transcript DR. ANNIE PEZALLA: By now, you're most likely comfortable with the concept\ of one-way and multi -way ANOVA. Yet you've only been exposed to variables that are independent. You're now equipped to answer a lot of different questi\ ons, but what if you want to do m ore? What if you wanted to test for a difference in means across time?

Let's turn again to the example of the statistics professor and his anxi\ ous students. This professor may wish to examine his students anxiety about \ him as their statistics professor over time at the beginning, the middle, and t\ he end of the course. The hope of course, is that this anxiety will go down over t\ ime.

Will the information in each wave of data collection be independent of t\ he other waves? No, it won't because the same people are being assessed each time.

Could you run multiple paired sample t-tests? You could, but that would not only be inefficient, it would introduce the possibility of error. Therefore, \ you need a statistical test that will take this time-based dependency into consideration.

The repeated measures ANOVA allows you to compare three or more means on\ dependent data without using multiple t-tests. It does this by conceptualizing the independent variable as time, with each level of independent variable representing a specific time point. So for those statistics professor wh\ o wants to test his students anxiety toward him across the beginning, middle, and e\ nd of the course, what would the levels be within the independent variable? They'd\ be the beginning, the middle, and the end of the course.

This week after you watch Doctor Jones demonstrate this test within SPSS\ , you'll practice using the repeated measures ANOVA yourself. Then you'll critiqu\ e an article that uses this method.

Introduction to Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measures:

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1 Introduction to Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measures: Week 7 GettyLicense_114759820 David Baumber/Vetta/Getty Images © 2017 Laureate Education, Inc.