I need help revising a paper


Microsoft vs. Apple

Roshawnda Bell


July 3, 2017

University of Phoenix


Microsoft, founded in April 4, 1975, is an American company that deals with the manufacture of OS and devices in the American economy and the competitor of the apple for economy of the United States in the 2017 fiscal year . These are two companies that are in a competitive market for the manufacture of a range of products; from OS and devices that use these particular operating systems.


In this text i will discuss the significance of the Americans to vote in favor of Microsoft vs. apple. In my written work, I will give the principle explanations behind technology in favor of Microsoft and give the essential drivers of the USA in accomplishing a superior technological development.

The planned technology in the USA are the youth and the point of this paper m going to focus on the reasons that will persuade the youth to incline in favor of Microsoft as the best online decision. In many events, kids have a tendency to trust the leaders they never tune in to their grievances. In this manner, youths need to take a firm stand and vote in favor of a pioneer who is a position to comprehend their issues and be in a position to secure their interests. Along these lines, when the youth settle on the decision for Microsoft their lives will change copiously .

I have a high assume that apple would improve American technology since it can impart and motivate activities online. Microsoft has more adaptable interfaces and will be in a position to accomplish the key outcomes in the present business atmosphere. Such versatile online development needs excellent relational abilities. Additionally, Microsoft has a reasonable, compact and will be in a position to convey express messages, which will propel individuals in managing the compound and any problematic changes (Helft, & Vance, 2017)

Microsoft can embrace more technological virtues then its close competitive company, Apple. It is about making inquiries that will help the internet users in pushing ahead as opposed to remaining stuck and mourning over the normal issues that have there since Memorial. Additionally, Microsoft has submitted herself to changing American internet technology. Microsoft has possessed the capacity to fulfill so much it is, a representative, a legal online counselor, a mother, and a general spurred speedier internet servers: an economic virtuoso. All through its initial stages of Microsoft, goals, and life in the American technology has been to improve the interest of online surfing. Microsoft has been aspiring and headed to accomplish every one of its objectives

Microsoft is a pioneer who never surrenders. In a normal circumstance, it is constantly simple to get debilitated as a pioneer since things won't generally go your direction. In contrasting this lesson between Microsoft vs. apple, truly Microsoft comprehends this lesson more than any other technological company does. With all its sheer assurance to contact its objectives has prompted her status as the online business chosen one, even in the wake of flopping already in it offered for the best technology platform. All through the 2016 fiscal year also, various deterrents that have undermined to crash it have dependably stood up to Microsoft. For example, from the current Apple’s embarrassment to conceivable arraignment over her messages yet each time, it has finished what had been started and pushed forward toward its objectives. This is an unmistakable picture that it is a clear internet king who never surrenders when encompassed when various impediments. (Wonglimpiyarat, 2015).

Equally, looking at Microsoft vs apple, it is clear to state that Microsoft’s advancement into one of the overwhelming and influential to internet providers has dependably been joined by its diligent work and even to her fortunes in governmental issues. Moreover, basing on my decades in instructing both the sharable and downloadable applications, it is not generally the diligent work and the fortunes that tallies in progress, however it is both the craftsmanship and the science, which solid pioneers like Microsoft learns and has a tendency to apply after some time and later end up noticeably huge .

Microsoft did not simply engage others but rather as a rule tend to see and offer her vision with many individuals and lives by her vision. Microsoft’s business style has dependably helped her in trust and to have the capacity to work together with others effortlessly. Microsoft has an emphasis on its subscriber’s needs, values, and their ethics, which indicates how well she exhibited the transformational approach in contrast with Apple who are conceited and dependably makes another rival look terrible. Additionally, apple happens to be a diehard. Along these lines winds up noticeably unfit to join every one of the Americans since the states contain a wide range of individuals.

According to Arthur, 2014, technological development is one that distinguishes the requirement for change and makes a dream to manage the change through motivation and executes the move with the dedication of the individuals from the group. To help comprehend the activities of a transformational business, it is constantly significant to know the five standards of business administration style that Microsoft works with by and large with the accompanying standards. They are, testing the procedure that is constantly entangled. Microsoft generally stopped in any procedure that is valuable to the Americans. It is Inspiring and can impart its dreams to different internet providers in making stable and distinguished operating systems usable around the world (Cusumano, 2016). 

At long last, Microsoft can build relationships with its competitive opponents that will share control in such a way, to the point that it will empower its support team to move in the vision bearing.


Complexities over each one of these issues from cost, rates and relocation to globalization and the most reduced pay allowed by law were especially sharp this year between Microsoft vs apple. Here's a gander at where the two companies remain on the top business issues. Charge strategy disengages the two economic affairs like two or three unique issues, in gigantic part since it reveals hopefuls' points of view on the fitting size and market opportunity (Wonglimpiyarat, 2015).


Apple happens to be unfit as the following social status to outdo Microsoft. This is on account of Apple has numerous hereditary propensities. Accordingly making apple unfits to join every one of the conditions of American economy. Be that as it may, Microsoft outstands as the calm and vivacious company which is prepared to serve the interests of the Americans and the whole world. Additionally, I likewise trust that Microsoft would improve technology since it can impart and rouse activities. Microsoft has a more adaptable workforce and will be in a position to accomplish the key outcomes in the present business atmosphere. Such versatile businesses need uncommon relational abilities. Hence, I ask all the American vote to go for Microsoft instead of apple companies (Helft, & Vance, 2017)


Arthur, C. (2014). Digital wars: Apple, Google, Microsoft and the battle for the Internet. Kogan Page Publishers.

Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2015). Technology strategies and standard competition—Comparative innovation cases of Apple and Microsoft. The Journal of High Technology Management Research23(2), 90-102.

Cusumano, M. A. (2016). Staying power: six enduring principles for managing strategy and innovation in an uncertain world (lessons from Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Google, Toyota and more). Oxford University Press.

Helft, M., & Vance, A. (2017). Apple passes Microsoft as No. 1 in tech. The New York Times26.


The topic is fine. It’s not quite clear what your thesis is, but I think you have good material to work with here. You may consider talking to your academic advisor to see if there are some other courses you could enroll in that would give you more basic writing practice. This essay is not very easy to understand. Do you read a lot? If not, you may want to start reading more, including well written books and magazines. Doing so will slowly help you build your writing skills. Work hard to improve the final draft. Good luck!

