Domestic Violence

Week 2 Topic Selection and Academic Summary

For this assignment, you will choose a topic, narrow it, summarize diverse points of view, and consider the context and audience of your project.

After looking at the list of topics below, which was shared in Week 1’s lecture, choose a topic in which you have more than just a passing interest. You might ask yourself, “What is it about this topic that sparks my interest enough to write a ten-page paper about it?”

Once you choose the topic, please respond to the five questions below. Each of your responses should be approximately one - two paragraphs in length.




Health and Wellness

School Bullies

Multitasking and Technology

Sexualization of Girls

College Students and Weight Issues

No Child Left Behind Act/Race to the Top

Technology and Social Isolation

Gender Discrimination

Childhood Obesity

Grade Inflation

Perils of Social Networking

Unequal Rights in Marriage, Children

Fad Diets

College Students and Underage Drinking

Online Dating/Online Predators/Sex Offenders

Children of Divorce

Junk Food

Student Debt

Illegal Downloading of Protected Content

Domestic Violence

Sedentary Lifestyles

College Students, Cheating, and Plagiarism

Internet Censorship/ Classified Information Leaks


Teenage Pregnancy

College Dropout Rates

Identity Theft

Life-Work (Im)balance/Flexible Work Schedules

Concussions in Athletes

High School Dropouts

Texting and Driving


Insurance Premiums for Smokers and Obese Employees

What is your topic? Summarize your topic in a paragraph that includes a brief explanation of your topic, the multiple sides of the debate, and a reflection of your opinion. To further develop these ideas, brainstorm 5 research questions about your topic.

Topic Description:

Research Questions:






Write a reflection on your purpose: How is the topic important? How does it affect you? What do you personally hope to gain or accomplish by writing about this topic? What do you want to readers to understand? What actions do you want them to take?

  • Preliminary Research: Conduct some brief research and provide two academic summaries of articles related to your topic. For each source, include the bibliographic data in APA format, a description of the main argument of the article, an explanation of key subtopics or research questions, and a description of foundational examples.

  • Consider your Audience: Who are you readers, and what are their needs, motivations, and influences? In what ways will you need to structure your writing to appeal to them?

  • Narrow your Focus: What unique angle will you provide? Develop a preliminary thesis that reflect the nature of your topic and your point of view.