English Comp 2

ENGLISH 102: Research Writing -- Homework Assignment 1

Listen to the RadioLab podcast Deception. The podcast is one-hour long.

Link: http://www.radiolab.org/story/91612-deception/

Read Aziz Ansari’s Everything You Thought You Knew About L-O-V-E Is Wrong article from Time Magazine.

Link: http://time.com/aziz-ansari-modern-romance/

Write in response to the following prompt. Make sure to answer all questions. This is a formal written assignment, thus should be formatted appropriate to college writing standards. It should take the form of a 500 word proofread, edited essay in MLA format.

What does Abumrad and Krulwich’s podcast and Ansari’s Time magazine article have in common with traditional academic research? How are they different? What are the questions which guide their investigations? What is the process of research that each project undertakes? How do these examples of sociocultural research help you to understand how to go about your own non-traditional research writing project? Finally: what is your response to their research?

You may choose to focus your response on either the Deception podcast or the Ansari article or you may discuss both in your response equally. Choose whatever approach lets you say the most about contemporary research methods and presentation. I am looking for specificity in your responses—please reference details from the article or podcast to make your point.

Please include an MLA heading at the top of your first page and your last name and page number in the header of each following page to eliminate any confusion. The Purdue OWL website has guidelines on how to format your paper: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/