couple gottman treatment

  1. Write a one-page mini treatment plan  after the interview (intake)  that includes:

    1. Goals for the subsequent session. 

    2. What you plan to do during the session, including a list of the tenets/concepts/skills described in the approach you plan to demonstrate, and

    3. How you hope to go about accomplishing your goals.

Gottman Couple Therapy.

A and M is a lesbian couple.

Been together for about 3 ½ yrs

Met online on facebook

A is of Hispanic heritage and M is white.

Got together after a week or two of dating.

The both enjoy science and music/art together.

Fights are mainly about M using recreational drugs and the in law families because they sometimes to do not accept them as a couple.

Both try to have a healthy great relationship and avoid unhealthy dynamics because they both grew up in unhealthy dynamics.

M is scared of being manipulative due to father being like that, although she is the dominant in the relationship.

A has trust issues with other individuals.

They both have to endure family adjusments due to SES and race.

A has to adjust to to “speaking out” to partner about how she feels.

M’s mother affects their relationship due to certain “lesbian comments”

For both this has been the longest and healthies relationship they have been in.

They both bring out great new experiences together.

Both have finance conflicts due to them being students and M works three jobs to sustain bills.

They fight about M taking recreational drugs without being “responsible”

Sex is different now, M has fibromyalgia so it makes it difficult to have sex.

They both need time adjustment management.

They both know each other’s love maps.

During confrontation and interaction during conflict, they both talk well about issues. They both look at each other not avoiding eye contact. M is able to express her issues to partner calmly. M makes non verbal signals such as face expression showing concern regarding A’s comments. A always asks for patience regarding her own changing. Both bring out solutions to the problems. A shows appreciation very well to partner by saying “im proud of you”. Both talk very well about jealousy.