Follow the instruction and finish Symposium: Images,Symposium: Text with best work

Symposium Instruction
Symposium: Images

You will submit your Symposium Presentation link to the discussion board; the image selection in your presentation is worth 100 points.

You will submit your Symposium Presentation link to the discussion board; the text of your presentation is worth 150 points and should include 50-65 words of script for each of 15 slides.

1. Prezi Templates

You all must create your presentations on Prezi. Please use this guide to introduce you to Prezi and to access templates for your presentation.

2. Audio or No Audio

As you know, your presentation should be 15 slides long, with a 50-65 word script to accompany each slide. You will see in the Prezi guide, that there are two template options:

one for those of you who would like to record your script as part of your presentation,

one for those of you who would like to include the text of your script next to each of your slides.

You may choose whichever option you prefer.

3. Imagery

Your slides should be made predominately of imagery rather than text. The purpose of the visual aspect of the assignment is to get you thinking about the way visual rhetoric can enhance the rhetoric or words. If you wish to have some slides that are predominantly text, you may. But if more than five slides are "text only" slides, you will lose points on the imagery part of the assignment.

Images may include: photographs, graphs, charts, art, comics, memes, etc. The idea is to draw the audience's attention to your subject matter, by engaging them in a visual way. As we discussed before, sometimes you can engage the audience with a literal image of the thing you are talking about:

example: an image of people in prison to accompany a script about mass incarceration.

OR you can engage the audience with an image that makes the audience think about how your image relates to what you are saying:

example: an image of several peas in a pod to accompany a script about segregation.

You may want to look again at the presentations you watched last week. The first three are Ignite presentations, which use this same format of images that accompany a script.

Please note that Process Post 4 asks you to submit a document with five images you have chosen for your presentation along with the citation for each image and the main idea for the script that will accompany each image. I have just extended the deadline for that process post.

4. Citation Slides

Following the 15 slides of your presentation, you will have several citation slides. These are like the Works Cited page of a research paper. You should include citations for any sources you used to write your text as well as a citation for each of your images.

See Purdue Owl for how to cite an image from the internet. The citation calls for a "title" of the image. If the image has no title, you should give it the most obvious title you can think of that concisely describes what is in the image, for example "prisoners in a cell" or "peas in a pod."

Symposium: Text

Description of the assignment:

Your second major assignment will be a presentation about the book you have chosen from our reading list. For this assignment your task will be to convince your audience that The Ohio State University should require all incoming first-year students to read this book. (You may or may not agree that this is THE book that all first-year students should read, but that is the challenge of the assignment!)

In order to argue that your book should be required reading for OSU students, you will need to “make friends” with your book. By this I mean, you will need to:

Understand its arguments

Understand the context that surrounds the book (What’s going on in the world that created the need for this book exist?)

Understand what the book is trying to achieve and the methods it uses to achieve it

Understand what those who might disagree with the arguments in this book would say, and how you would defend the book against those critiques

And of course, how OSU students, in particular, would benefit from reading this book.

Your presentation will come at the end of the semester. It will be an opportunity for you to show what you have learned about rhetoric this semester by creating a purposeful audio-visual presentation that uses effective rhetorical choices. Your presentation will not be the typical PowerPoint presentation with mostly words on each slide. Instead, you will create a script for your presentation and then find or create images that use visual rhetoric to draw your audience’s attention to your text. Your script will be 50-65 words per slide, for 15 slides (15 images). You will use Prezi, an online presentation application, to create the presentation.

The total presentation is worth 250 points toward your final grade in this class, with the script being worth 150 points and the images being worth 100 points. You will also view and respond to other students’ presentations which will account for your weekly participation grade that week.

The book I have chosen from our reading list, using for Symposium: Text presentation

Bergo, Bettina and Tracey Nicholls. “I Don’t See Color”: Personal and Critical Perspectives on White Privilege.Penn State University Press. 2015