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Peter Drucker's Five Questions

Shawn Harden

Southern Wesylan

June 16, 2017

What is our mission?

Mission refers to what an organization aims to accomplish in society. It refers, in other words, to why a company exists, and how it proposes to accomplish what it needs to. Electrolux aims to deliver matchless appliance products while creating the best customer experience. Electrolux understands that their existence is aimed at effecting a definitive change in the lives of people of the society within which it operates. Despite the existence to make a profit, the ability to be a positive force in society is always the endgame (MCDonald, 2016). Electrolux also understand their social responsibility in the community. Partnerships have been created with United Way, Salvation Army and Boys & Girls Club of America. Giving back to the local community inspires the employees who live in the surrounding areas to stretch in their giving as well.

To better address its mission and live up to the ascribed expectations, a business must be able to analyze the challenges it faces in its operations. These challenges can then be mitigated, so that they will not jeopardize the survival of the business. They may also be handled in a way that turns them to the advantage of the company in question. The mission should also be in a way that correctly identifies and seeks to exploit the opportunities it is provided with (Drucker, Kuhl, & Hesselbein, 2015).

The mission needs to be a short and succinct statement that is straight to the point. According to Drucker et al (2015), the mission should ideally fit in a t-shirt. It should be simple, so that not only the business, but members of the society, can find a single statement that aptly defines the business. The company should be ready to constantly reevaluate the mission statement. This should be in an effort to make it better and more adaptable to a changing business environment. This means that the mission statement must be equipped with this possibility, so that it can be adjusted easily.

Who is our customer?

The organization needs to understand its customers. To do this, it must first identify the primary customers who will be the backbone of the company. Electrolux’s has a broad range of customers in the market based on the need. Target customer are home owners, commercial property owners, and builders. Drucker defines customers simply ads the people whose needs and wants must be met if the company is to remain in business. Equally important are the secondary customers. These are parties whose needs must also be satisfied for a company to be considered to be performing well. It is therefore critical for a business to identify and able satisfy its customers, meaning all the people who have a stake in the business (Drucker, Kuhl, & Hesselbein, 2015).

By being able to define the customers, a business will be able to define the results they can expect. They are also able to define clear plans that aim to meet these results, through the satisfaction of customers. It is therefore obvious that efforts to satisfy market needs can only be guided properly by sufficient understanding of the market in question (MCDonald, 2016).

Drucker feels that if customers are to succeed in the long term, it is not enough to simply satisfy customers. It is also important to observe the market for any changes. These changes should be reflected immediately in the narrative that the company offers to the customers. The market, as is the general business environment today, is barely static. It changes by the minute, forcing companies to continually rethink their approach in serving customers. Businesses do not succeed by merely pleasing every person in the market. Rather, they go out of their way to deeply satisfy customers, something which is only possible when the company has first comprehensively understood the customers (Drucker, The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization, 2008).


Drucker, P. (2008). The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Drucker, P., Kuhl, J., & Hesselbein, F. (2015). Peter Drucker's Five Most Important Questions:. Hoboken: Wiley & Sons.

MCDonald, R. (2016). Peter Drucker ' s Five Most Important Questions: Enduring Wisdom for Today ' s Leaders. Leadership & Organization Development Journal , 37 (2), 305-306.