mechanics Question


A flywheel made of a thin ring 20 mm and 150 mm wide, with a mean diameter of 1.5 m. Calculate the time taken to come to rest from 10 revs/sec due to a frictional couple of 8 Nm. The density of steel is 7.8 Mg/m3 and the effects of spokes may be neglected.

Formula help


1 bar = 100,000 N/m2

Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration Linear

F = m. a

v = u + at

s = ut + ½ at2

v2 = u2 + 2as


T = I. 

2 = 1 + t

 = 1t + ½ t2

22 = 12 + 2


s = r 

v = r 

a = r 

Forces, Moments, and Power

Moment = Force x Perpendicular Distance from the Origin

Work Done = Force x distance

Power =

P.E. = m g h

K.E. = ½ m v2


Ff =  x R

Power loss = Fr x v