3 pages analysis of interviews

Interviewer #1


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and discuss your opinions about sharing information on social networking sites. I’m asking if I can record this conversation, but your name or image will never be associated with any of the responses and you will remain completely anonymous.

How would you characterize your use of social media?

Mohammed: “Aahh, basically to talk with my friends and see what they are up to right now”

  1. Which social media do you use and how often? Prefer to use?

Mohammed: “ I use Facebook most of the time when I’m on my phone. I like Facebook because, it shows whats up with my friends personal life and if something big happening with them.”

  1. Do you trust this site/these sites? If so, why do you trust the site/these sites?

Mohammed: “yes”

Me: “can you tell me why?”

Mohammed: “sure, because no one can use my information without getting access to my password”

Me: “so, you think if I don’t have your password I can’t access your information?”

Mohammed: “yes, exactly”

Me: “okay…”

  1. Please describe the trust (i.e. look for assurances on the site, use privacy settings…). Do you trust all of the social media you use the same? If so, why or why not?

Mohammed: “uhhh, no, because sometimes when you post silly pictures on snapchat, some of my friend can take screenshots of the pictures without me knowing.”

Me: “What about snapchat privacy settings?”

Mohammed: “I think only my friends and family can see my stories on snapchat”

How would you characterize some of your good friends’ use of social media?

Looking for…but do not lead…

  1. As a social networking site?

Mohammed: “well, my friends use social media and apps to make their live easier, they use Uber, to go from one place to another without the hassle of calling a taxi or their parents.”

  1. As a tool for communication?

Mohammed: “My friends use social media all the time to talk about whats happening with their lives or whats their plans on a specific day”

Think of one of your closest friends…someone who you are in touch with on social media AND who you perhaps text, call and/or see often. Now consider that this friend contacts you about something they would like to post on social media, but they want your opinion first.

  1. What is an example of what you would NOT recommend they post?

Mohammed: “their phone number”

  1. Why?

Mohammed:” Immmm, because you don’t want your phone number to be in the wrong hands with someone you don’t know. THEY CAN TRACK YOUR LOCATION WITH JUST YOU PHONE NUMBER”

  1. Any other examples of what you would NOT recommend they post?

Mohammed: “oh yeah, don’t use your personal email on social media”

  1. If yes, then why?

“you don’t want some company to spam your email with stuff you don’t want”

Think of this same friend. Is there anything they would tell you in person, call you and tell you, or perhaps text you that they would NOT post on social media?

Mohammed: “ His plans after graduation

  1. Why?

Mohammed: “ He does not want people to know because he does not want everyone to know about his personal life.

Now for this same friend, is there anything you can imagine they would not share with you or anyone else? Something that they might choose to keep completely to themselves?

Mohammed: “ uhh yes

  1. Can you think of why that might be?

Mohammed: “ uhmm I don’t know maybe they have secrets, they don’t want people to hear about.

Do you have any thoughts in general on what people choose to post or not post on social media? What is your feeling about why people post on social media?

Mohammed: “they want to share their memories with their friends and family on social media”

Demographic Questions:

I just need to get some general information and then we’re done.

Gender: male

Year of birth:2000

Current city of residence:

Using social media since (year)? : since 2014

Any college? I will be a freshmen in CSUN this year

Approximate # of minutes/hours spent each day on social media : 4 to 5 hours a day.

Thank you for your time. If you have any questions for me, I’d be happy to answer them.

MOHAMMED:” no…, are we done?”

Me: “yes”