3 pages analysis of interviews

Interviewer #2


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and discuss your opinions about sharing information on social networking sites. I’m asking if I can record this conversation, but your name or image will never be associated with any of the responses and you will remain completely anonymous.

How would you characterize your use of social media?

Ali : “One important reason that makes me use social media is for fun. Watching a viral videos on YouTube or Instagram is probably why I use social media.”

  1. Which social media do you use and how often? Prefer to use?

Ali: “ I use most of them; but Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are the main ones and I use them on a daily basis.”

  1. Do you trust this site/these sites? If so, why do you trust the site/these sites?

Ali: “No”

Me: “why not?”

Ali: “because the internet is never a safe place to share your information”

  1. Please describe the trust (i.e. look for assurances on the site, use privacy settings…). Do you trust all of the social media you use the same? If so, why or why not?

Ali: “No, because each social media site has its own rules and some of them can use your information and sell them for other companies”

How would you characterize some of your good friends’ use of social media?

Looking for…but do not lead…

  1. As a social networking site?

Ali : “As college students, we use social networking sites such as linkedIn to connect and network with professionals all around the world. it helps us to build our professional life, yeah.”

  1. As a tool for communication?

Ali: “My friends use social media to text each other and to talk ”

Think of one of your closest friends…someone who you are in touch with on social media AND who you perhaps text, call and/or see often. Now consider that this friend contacts you about something they would like to post on social media, but they want your opinion first.

  1. What is an example of what you would NOT recommend they post?

Ali: “I think you should never post where you are or your location”

  1. Why?

Ali:” because it can show people where you are at the moment because this information can go to hundreds of strangers you don’t know”

  1. Any other examples of what you would NOT recommend they post?

Ali : “ your birthday because you risk of identity thieves”

Think of this same friend. Is there anything they would tell you in person, call you and tell you, or perhaps text you that they would NOT post on social media?

Ali: “ Their summer vacation”

  1. Why?

Ali: “ because some people might know that your house will be empty and may steal your stuff.”

Now for this same friend, is there anything you can imagine they would not share with you or anyone else? Something that they might choose to keep completely to themselves?

Ali: “ their sexual life I guess

Can you think of why that might be?

Ali: “ privacy

Do you have any thoughts in general on what people choose to post or not post on social media? What is your feeling about why people post on social media?

Ali: “ because some people want to express themselves and social media is the easiest way to use thay”

Demographic Questions:

I just need to get some general information and then we’re done.

Gender: male

Year of birth:1998

Current city of residence: Northridge

Using social media since (year)? : 2013

Any college? Sophomore at CSUN

Approximate # of minutes/hours spent each day on social media : 4 hours maybe

Thank you for your time. If you have any questions for me, I’d be happy to answer them.