Rough Draft


Country for Course Project: Russia

Weltee Wolo

Rasmussen College

Author Note

This paper is being submitted on July 16, 2017 Michelle Carter’s

International Healthcare H440/HSA4124 course

For the project, I choose the state of Russia. Russia is located between two major continents namely Europe and Asia and is by far the largest country in the world, and its population lies in the top ten most populous nations of the world. With such a geographic standing and diversity in population, this country emits excitement to deeper understand how people relate and just how much there is to learn about it. Russia has been one of those states that have issued mixed political and economic feelings among people (Riga, 2016). Seen as an unfriendly and more hostile country, the state is rich in knowledge and culture and therefore one can extract so much information on international relations and others such as geographic advantages among other critical aspects for this project.

In addition to the general information about this diverse and unique state, Russia has deep cultural and more particularly political history that is worthy of exploration. Amidst the conflict, the country has had to play significant roles in important historical events such as the world wars. It is this unique and intriguing factors that have drawn me to use this country as part of my course project. I intend to explore the history of the country, the factors that have promoted its development and political standing and influence in the history of the world. Finally, the country has and still features great leaders that have been significant to the world and its development (Gel'man, 2016). I, therefore, intend to explore them, the roles they have played and the relationship of the leaders to the economic, political, social and overall positioning of the state of historical and present-day Russia in the contemporary world.


Gel'man, V. (Ed.). (2016). Authoritarian Modernization in Russia: Ideas, Institutions, and Policies. Taylor & Francis.

Riga, L. (2016). Book Review Nationalism, Myth, and the State in Russia and Serbia: Antecedents of the Dissolution of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. By Veljko Vujačić. New York: Cambridge University Press.