Can anyone do my Wk. 2 Assign CI?


Comparative Performance

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Comparative Performance

After looking at the Joint Commission Accreditation Quality Report, National Safety Goals, I have opted to select Summa Health System and Akron General Medical Center. Both of these are situated in Akron and the surrounding areas of North Eastern Ohio. These organizations offer mostly similar services and same line of healthcare services. Upon review of the report, it was noted that both organizations basically had same goals that they needed to meet in the long run. The emergency department of these two healthcare organizations required a strong urge for improvement considering the waiting time that patients were subjected to. Even though the wait time in Summa Health System was comparably less as compared to Akron General, basically by one hours and forty five minutes, they still needed to address the their emergency departments to enhance ease of service delivery to the patients. In this case, the wait time includes the time that the patient checks in, does registration, and is seen by the physician, diagnosed, treated and then discharged. Akron General had a problem with the time that a patient takes to be discharged after undergoing treatment. It is noted that the wait times for a patient who is being discharged home or one who is being admitted to an inpatient unit was basically long for the two organizations as compared to the national average. The transfer or discharge time were doubled the required national average. Summa Health System needed to focus on improving the emergency department should be enhanced by improving patient registration. The time wasted in these two organizations during patient admission or patient discharge may be attributed to low staff. As a result of this, they need to employ more staff or medical assistants to help in service delivery. The present physicians may be overwhelmed with job requirements to an extent that they cannot handle everything at the required time. Employing more staff will help reduce the time waits experienced.


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