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Traffic Rules and Regulations 5

Traffic Rules and Regulations

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Traffic Rules and Regulations

Traffic refers to the general uses of public roads and transportation means. This includes all the vehicles, pedestrians, animals, motorbikes among others that use the roads for transplantation services. Railway transportation is another form of traffic that facilitates movement of people and goods. For efficient transportation of people and movement of goods, there is need to establish appropriate rules. These rules are the traffic rules and they govern all the traffic aspects as far as transpiration and movement are concerned. The traffic rule also provide code of conduct that help pedestrians, vehicle and motorbike drivers and animal heard to engage in safe and appropriate ways that facilitate good transportation and movement (Arawakan, Taklamakan & Nagasaki, 2001). The traffic rules are similar to most countries in the world and this provides uniform ways that involved individuals should observe when even in foreign countries.

To begin with, all individuals in public roads need to observe the traffic lights. This is a rule that applies to most congested towns with traffic jams and urban centers. Since the movement of pedestrians, bicycles, motorbikes and vehicles need to move in various roads, they make a lot of confusion. Many accidents often may arise from such confusions something that may result to lose of lives and injuries. Therefore, this rule of traffic lights is appropriate as it provide direction and instruction to the persons involved. This rule requires that the one party move at a time when the respective light is observed (Slimmer & Helping, 2008). The lights include the red, green and yellow. They help to ease the congestion and confusion of all moving parties in the public roads. The division of roads such that there is pavement for pedestrians and other places for vehicles and motorbikes also helps to reduce confusion and congestion. The road users are required to observe these traffic rules to facilitate easy movement in roads.

Beside this, other traffic rules and regulations help to reduce the level of accidents in roads. For instance, the drivers of vehicles and motorbike riders are prohibited to drive when under influence of alcohol. This rule is another important regulation that operates in nearly all the countries in the world. Most accidents witnessed result from reckless when involved individuals are under influence of alcohol (De Charette & Nashashibi, 2009). Alcohol also influences the involved individuals to over speed when driving. This risky action should not be taken lightly. This over speeding may result to fatal accidents occurring especially when the driver involved is driving a passenger vehicle. To prevent such accidents from occurring, drivers should observe this traffic riles of not driving when under influence of alcohol; avoid reckless driving and over speeding. Those who avoid observing such rules are fined face charges since this is an important traffic rule that should be observed.

Nevertheless, passengers have also traffic rules that apply to them in enhancing safety while in transportation. Passengers using public passenger vehicles have to make sure they use safety belts when traveling. The passengers using safety belts provide safety in case there is an accident or any other aspect that can make them be thrown inside the vehicle. This may be when the vehicle tilt or negotiate a corner making the passengers to tilt inside the vehicle. Therefore, all vehicles should have safety belts as a provision by the traffic rule to enhance safety of the passengers (Akanegawa, Tanaka & Nakagawa, 2001). Overloading and carrying of excess passengers in public vehicles is prohibited as a traffic regulation. Overloading of vehicles with goods and passengers more to the amount it is specified to carry risks the safety of all that are inside. This is because the vehicle is more prone to engage in accident for instance tilting when negotiating a corner or even having mechanical problems. The excess passengers don’t have safety belts to use and may be get fatal injuries or even death when the vehicle engage in such accidents. This important rule and regulation should be observed to help enhance traffic safety in public roads and vehicles.

In addition, different countries have different traffic rules and regulations that are established to enhance safety and minimize the rates of accidents in such public roads. Incorporating speed governors in public vehicles is one of the traffic regulations that control the speed of vehicles and help to minimize accidents occurring due to over speeding. Beside this, drivers and motorbike riders are required by the traffic rules to have licenses from authorized driving schools when they start operating on public roads. This rule helps to safeguard the passengers and other road users since the drivers will have to observe all the rules as educated in the driving school (Lämmer & Helbing, 2008). They will also have enough skills and knowledge of driving that help to facilitate safe driving free from accidents. More so, traffic rules also require that drivers have good knowledge of road signs to help drive with respect to information provided by the road signs. All these traffic rules and regulations facilitate safe driving in public roads and protect the lives of passengers. People should therefore have good information that relate to traffic rules to help facilitate easy traffic of public road uses (Lämmer & Helbing, 2008).


Akanegawa, M., Tanaka, Y., & Nakagawa, M. (2001). Basic study on traffic information system using LED traffic lights. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2(4), 197-203.

Lämmer, S., & Helbing, D. (2008). Self-control of traffic lights and vehicle flows in urban road networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2008(04), P04019.

De Charette, R., & Nashashibi, F. (2009, June). Real time visual traffic lights recognition based on spot light detection and adaptive traffic lights templates. In Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2009 IEEE (pp. 358-363). IEEE.