Spanish Summer Essay

As my summer began, I finally I had the chance to sit down and relax after my gruesome year in high school. But I was horribly mistaken. My summer was filled countless hours of studying, volunteer work, and research. Despite the scrutinizing workload, I still managed to go traveling. Mexico City was one of traveling destination my family and I gone to. In addition, I also had to the chance to visit Zihuatanejo for a short period. Besides the studies and traveling, I still managed to experience wide variety of Spanish cultures.

Instead of the relaxing, I faced the burden of taking three classes for summer. One of the classes was Spanish three. At first glance, I had an impression that the class would easy since it was a summer course. However, the class offered many assignments and activities. Engulfing the information and applying the knowledge I learned was such a pain. Each day the class introduced new Spanish conjugations, vocabulary, and participles explanations. The new concepts finally payed off as it helped me strengthen my listening and reading comprehension skills. I made many simple mistakes in the class, such as writing the wrong conjugations, however I learned to not make the same mistakes twice through practice. I would not say I am a fluent Spanish speaker, but I want to be through hard work and dedication.