Daft revising

At the start of the course, I had a lot of anxiety and questions about the writings that I would encounter in the course. I believed that I would focus on learning on how to write academically. Before I was introduced into the course, I had in my mind the belief that my ability to produce successful pieces of writing was determined and influenced a lot by the manner in which I represented my writing tasks. I however did not understand what ‘interdisciplinary writing’ was all about, considering my major is mathematics and computer science while my partner’s major is accounting.

Because I had not had the chance to learn the course anywhere else, I believed that before taking the course most of the ideas I had about interdisciplinary writing were vague. This is mainly because I had the tendency of having wild ideas about what I was going to do when writing an essay. All the same, I believed that my instructor would mentor and shape me into a better writer capable of delivering quality pieces of writing in a more disciplinary manner. In addition to this, I thought that writers do not only start writing when they have everything catered for before the start of paper. This means that I firmly felt that I had to cycle through and keep on repeating particular events encountered in the writing process as many times as I write. I also believed that rather than waiting for every aspect to get into my mind, I would start writing on the ideas that were in my opinion. And after doing research on the topics for this course, I can combine the pieces together and polish them with smooth transition. It is in this idea that I knew that after writing the first draft, a person has a second chance to patch up the rough spots in the first draft of a piece of writing.

Insights from Pieces of Writing in the Course

In writing the papers and for the course, I gained new insights that are essential for me in the disciplinary writing course. For instance, I learned on how to look more closely at the academic writing environment. Precisely, I learned that there is the need to understand the audience in a piece of writing. Such as the literature review project, my audience would be the mathematical and financial professionals. Over the course, I came to know that although it is always good to make good explanations in other genera of writings if I include any advanced terminology from mathematics or computer science, yet for project 2 and 3 my respective audience would be able to understand what I argue in my paper without very detailed explaination.

The other aspect of insights that I learned in the course is that the purpose or the intention of a message in writing is crucial in generating effectiveness and efficiency of a piece of paper. The purpose of the book is that it shows a clear understanding on a person’s aim of writing a particular piece. The documents used in writing are also essential elements that I learned should be put into focus when writing a paper.

Besides, I also gained insights on how to do research and write literature reviews, for offering synthesis, analysis, and responses to newly-acquired information in writing. Above all, I gained insights on how to undertake research. For instance, I acquired the skill of doing extensive research as well as finding in-depth information rather than going to Google scholar.

Areas to Focus on in Future Writing Courses

There are several things that I focus on doing in future writing courses. Firstly, I need to improve on how I can avoid redundancy. In my writing course, I have understood that many cases of redundancy are encouraged by giving specifications on page requirements. This can be seen in my first draft of project 2. I will improve the aspect of avoiding redundancy by proofreading my work before submitting it for the final assessment. I also want to work on my writing speed. This is because I have realized that my writing speed is not good enough. Speed is all brought up by using word choice which sets the mood in writing. Positive mood in writing leads to motivation, and this implies that the speed of writing increases. This will be in future writing courses my main goal in this writing course is understand the basic elements of writing.