Daft revising

As with most scholarly essays, this essay should have a central controlling idea, a thread,

that winds through the essay and gives it focus. I would not go so far as to call for a

“thesis” for this piece of writing, as that term connotes writing that does not invite

further discussion or reflection. As a reviewer, look for this thread. If you do not find it,

say so. If you can find a controlling idea, but it’s weak or too vague, say that as well.

Offer suggestions that might help the writer pull ideas together if there seem to be too

many loose ends.

There is not a single best way to structure this essay, but I do not encourage a structure

that uses the eleven Learning Goals as topics for eleven paragraphs with some kind of

introduction and conclusion. Indeed, it seems a bit of a reach and not particularly

honest, if a writer claims all eleven goals were met. The writer might address all of

the Learning Goals, but discuss how some were met more successfully than others.

Or, more likely, the writer might group some of the Goals in clusters that make sense to him or her, emphasizing just a few that stand out. Or the writer might not organize paragraphs by Learning Goals at all and has found another organizing pattern to discuss the work of this course. The point here, however the essay is structured, is to address organizing structure in some way in your review.

The Reflective Essay prompt notes the need to cite from Projects 1-3 to support the

claims made about the writing goals accomplished in the course. Is the writing doing this? Is there enough of it? Is there adequate discussion of the cited writings? Is there too much cited writing? Comment on this aspect of the essay.

The draft may not have the “Supporting Materials” section included, as the writer has not decided yet what to include. Whether “Supporting Materials” is included in the draft or not, the writer should still be including some quotation and summary from works of the course to illustrate, reinforce, and support the claims made in the essay. Look for this move. The “Supporting Materials” section acts as further evidence and support of writer’s claims. The writer may refer to it in his essay. “Supporting Materials” acts as an appendix to the main essay.

Ideally, the essay will read as a lively, honest, thoughtful reflection on the writer’s work

in this course. Does the essay feel to you that you’d like to talk more with the

writer about what you’ve read? The essay should invite conversation, in other words, because it seems that the writer is engaged, authentic, and committed to what she’s saying. Comment on this aspect of the draft. Does the tone seem appropriate and inviting?

Though this is an academic work, serious claims can be made using humor, wit, irony or

other moves the writer is drawn to. In other words, an academic essay can be personable and serious and employ any range of tones. Do you have suggestions to enliven it, if it needs that? What might the writer do to engage you more, if you find that is needed?

Comment on this draft’s readability so far: Are you confused anywhere? What might make the text’s design sharper, more inviting, and readable?