
Program Assessment Exam from Peregrine Academic Services

Question Response

Why am I taking this assessment exam?

Your school is requesting each student in select business courses to take an external review exam. The purpose of this exam is to allow the school the ability to assess the quality of its academic programs, so that the school can improve its programs and provide the best possible educational experience for all students. The assessment exam helps ensure that the school maintains the highest quality of education. This exam is also helping your school quality for ACBSP accreditation.

How should I prepare for the assessment exam?

The exam assesses the foundational business knowledge areas. There is no need to prepare for the exam.

Does this assessment exam affect my final grade?

Please refer to your course syllabus or online course environment for information on how the exam will be evaluated. Your school is offering an additional 20 points for you to complete the exam. This can enhance your final grade but will not negatively impact your final grade should you choose not to participate.

What do I need to access the exam?

You will need a computer with Internet access. No other plug-ins are required.

What is the cost of the assessment exam?

There are no additional costs to the student other than the fees you have already paid to the school.

How do I register for the exam?

Students obtain their exam key by self-registration from a micro-site created for your university. Open On the micro-site, enter the password that corresponds to your program. ONLINE students enter the password ARGOSYOL-1001 and CAMPUS students enter the password ARGOSYCP-1001. Click “Proceed with Registration” to enter the micro-site. Follow the instructions to self-register and obtain your exam key. Be sure to follow the instructions from your course professor. In most cases, you will select from the list the course you are currently enrolled in, which includes the exam as a course requirement. Please ensure you select the right password (online for fully online students, and campus for students tied to a campus who may also take periodic online courses).

How do I start the exam once I am registered for the exam?

At the conclusion of the self-registration process, a hyperlinked course name will be displayed. When you click the hyperlink, your web browser will open

to the exam screen.

If you do not complete the exam at the end of the self-registration process, you can also access the exam by using the e-mail sent to you upon completion of the self-registration process. This e-mail also has a hyperlinked course name to take you to the exam page.

Question Response

I know I am registered, but I never received the e-mail.

Please check your SPAM or JUNKMAIL folder for the e-mail from Peregrine

Academic Services.

My assessment exam site password does not work anymore after I used the exam key.

A student has 48 hours to complete the exam once the exam has started and only 3 log-in attempts are allowed. These restrictions are in place to protect the academic integrity of the testing process. Contact your instructor if you need the exam re-set.

I have the e-mail, but how do I access the assessment exam site?

Click on the hyperlink included with the title of the course you are enrolled in. The hyperlink directs your Web browser to the appropriate site and auto-fills the registration information.

How much time do I have to take the assessment exam?

You have 48 hours to complete the exam once the exam has been started. The 48 hour clock starts when you start the exam. The exam key does not expire, but rather the 48-hour rule begins after you click “Proceed with Exam” and start the online exam. Each question in the exam is also timed, generally

5 minutes per question. This is a lot of time and most students can complete the exam well within the time restrictions, usually within 60-90 minutes.

Am I allowed to take breaks during the exam?

Yes, two 15-minute breaks are allowed for the entire exam, and are built into the testing platform. You can take these breaks anywhere in the exam, be sure to select “Take a 15 minute break AFTER this question.”

What if I need to stop during the exam?

You are allowed to stop during an exam and restart a later time. However, you only have 3 login attempts within the 48 hours.

Please be advised that the 3 login attempts have been added to address unforeseen issues (i.e. loss of internet connectivity, emergencies). Do not use these as breaks during the exam.

If you do stop the exam and restart later, you will resume the exam at the next question from where you ended the previous session. You will consequently miss the question you were on. You cannot go back and review previously answered questions.

How many questions are on the assessment exam?

There are 10 questions for each business topic. The number of topics assessed by the exam various from program to program. In general, there will be 6 to 12 topics on an exam. Therefore, the number of questions will be

60 to 120.

Exam questions are multiple choice and True/False.

How long will I need to take the exam?

Typically, the exam should take about 60-90 minutes.

How much time is allowed to answer each question?

You are allowed 5 minutes to answer each question. You will see the time remaining on the screen for each question during the exam.

Can I “back track”

during the exam?

No, you will not be able to go back to a question if you decide to skip it. You need to do your best to answer each question within the allotted time. Otherwise, it will be graded as 0 points.

Question Response

Is the grade weighting the same for an unanswered question versus a question answered incorrectly?


What if 48 hours elapse or I attempt a 4th log in?

After 48 hours or more than 3 log-in attempts, the exam site is inaccessible and a completion certificate will be generated, assigning 0 points to unanswered questions.

Will I see my score at the end of the exam?

Your certificate will show the total score and the topic scores.

Please keep in mind that these are relative scores, meaning that the score does not equate to a traditional 0-100 grading scale. Instead, the exam scores are relative to national averages.

How do I print or save my completion certificate?

After completing the exam, you will be asked to view and save your certificate. A link to download the exam completion certificate will also be automatically e-mailed to you at the end of the exam. Your school has requested you upload this to the drop box in your course so you can earn the 20 points for participation. If you do not upload the certificate you will not receive credit.

How should I submit the certificate to my instructor?

Your school has requested you upload this to the drop box in your course so you can earn the 20 points for participation. If you do not upload the certificate you will not receive credit.

I forgot to save my completion certificate when I finished the assessment exam.

Look for the e-mail with the link to download the completion certificate included.

If I still have questions, whom do I contact?

For overall course questions contact your instructor, technical questions regarding the exam site, please contact

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