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Assignment 3: Peregrine/External Review Exam

External Review Exam – Opportunity to Earn 20 additional points in the course

Use Module 4, Assignment 3 in this course to complete the external exam provided by Peregrine Academic Services. The exam results are used to help measure program-level learning outcomes and continue our efforts to always ensure we have relevant program content.

We encourage you to take this exam so that we have the best possible data for our continuous improvement to our process. By taking the exam, you will earn 20 additional points in the course regardless of your final score. If you choose not to take the exam, there is no penalty.

Please keep in mind that this exam is a program-level assessment of your business knowledge. As such, it is not expected that you will necessarily know the answer to every question. It is a standardized test used with many different colleges and universities. The exam is administered by Peregrine, our partner for external review.

Follow the instructions with the link in your course.  Once you register and complete the exam, you will receive a certificate of completion when done. Save and load this to your online course environment to earn the 20 points.

Registering for the exam: Students obtain their exam key by self-registration from a micro-site created for your university. Select the link below to enter the micro-site. On the micro-site, enter the password that corresponds to your program. ONLINEstudents enter the password ARGOSYOL-1001 and CAMPUS students enter the password ARGOSYCP-1001. Click “Proceed with Registration” to enter the micro-site. Follow the instructions to self-register and obtain your exam key. Be sure to follow the instructions from your course professor. In most cases, you will select from the list the course you are currently enrolled in, which includes the exam as a course requirement. Please ensure you select the right password (online for fully online students, and campus for students tied to a campus who may also take periodic online courses).

Peregrine/External Review Exam

Click here to download the Statistical Terms sheet.

Click here to download a document of frequently asked questions regarding the Peregrine Exam.

Thank you in advance for your participation and helping us improve Argosy's Business Programs.

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