Week 5: Student Response To Discussion 1

Tyler Dickerson

ThursdayAug 17 at 8:55pm

Manage Discussion Entry

My assign number is 7 and my problems are 50 and 14



The point of the line is vertical running through the -3. There is no y-intercept and the slope is undefined in this function. Since the line is vertical and only runs through the point one time, the domain equation is defined as (−∝,∝),{x∣x∈R}

Unfortunately, I did not understand the instruction of the range.



I don't understand how to add a graph to the discussion, but hopefully I can explain how the graph is suppose to look. The first point of the graph is plot on 0, then the second point is (1,1) and the second point is (2,1). As I plot, the line is as a curve moving upwards on the graph.

I thank everyone that has given me honest feedback, Thank you Professor for being patient with me and I wish everyone the best in their future classes. Good Luck and God bless