16GYP001 Doing Global Research: Block Three Assessment Quantitative analysis using SPSS

16GYP001 Doing Global Research: Block Three Assessment This document accompanies the survey data provided in the excel data sheet.

It details the questions relating to the question numbers in the spreadsheet, and the coding used for each response. SECTI ON A : WORKING IN LONDON A1 . Which of the following best describes you r employment ? (Please mark one answer ). Coded as: I have a permanent contract. 1 I manage/own an independently -run business . 2 I am a freelance r who works across a number of compan ies . 3 Other (please give details below) 0 A2. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements on working in London: (Importance is rated on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1=strongly disagree, 3=neutral, and 5=strongly agree. Pl ease mark one box per row). Coded as: 1 2 3 4 5 A2_1: A large number of companies means there are more interesting/challenging work opportunities. A2_2: There is the opportunity to make more money in London than elsewhere. A2_3: Working in L ondon enhances my reputation and therefore my future career prospects. A2:4 The city has a strong creative atmosphere which supports and inspires my own creativity. A2_5: London offers a better standard of living and/or more lifestyle opportunit ies than other cities. A2_6: London’s transport network makes it easy to get to studios across the city at short notice. SECTION B : ABOUT CREATIVITY B1. How important do yo u rate each of the following to doing your job ? (Importance is rate d on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1=not important and 5=very important. Please mark one box per row ). Coded as: 1 2 3 4 5 B1_1: An in -depth knowledge of the complex technical equipment. B1_2: The ability to be highly innovative and creative. B1_3: The ability to use the equipment to create customized products. B1_4: Being able to work with other technically skilled people. B1_5: Keeping up to date with technical developments. B2. How important do you rate each of the following to your ability to be creative? (Importance is rated on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1=not important and 5=very important . Please mark one box per row). Coded as: 1 2 3 4 5 B2_1: Having the best equipment /software available for a particul ar project. B2_2: Not having to worry about tight time constraints when working project. B2_3: A company having a relaxed atmosphere that is conducive to the creative process. B2_4: The company being located with an area of the city where there is lot of creative energy. B3. How important do you rate each of the following to being successful in your role? (Importance is rated on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1=not important and 5=very important . Please mark one box per row). Coded a s: 1 2 3 4 5 B3_1: Well developed technical skills. B3_2: The ability to collaborate artistically with other s to add value to the creative process. B3_3: The ability to balance the creative process and the technical process to give the best outcome. B3_4: The ability to give clients the exact product that they require/expect. SECTION C : ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL NETWORKS C1. How important do you rate each of the following to being successful in your chosen ca reer? (Importance is rated on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1=not important and 5=very important. Please mark one box per row). Coded as: 1 2 3 4 5 C1_1: The establishment of professional or personal networks which allow sharing of technical knowledg e. C1_2: The establishment of professional or personal networks which open up new project opportunities. C1_3: Gaining a good reputation with the industry based on your portfolio of work. C1_4: Attracting repeat work base d on successful previous projects. C1_5: Willingness to trave l in order to take on the best projects with the best companies . C1_6: Being based in a city with a strong creative scene /atmosphere and many creative companies. C2. Do you regularly cooperat e with people in other companies when working on projects? (Please mark ). Coded as: Yes 1 No 2 If YES, how does this cooperation occur? (Please mark all that apply ). Coded as: C2a_1: Thro ugh digital file sharing, allowing different people to work on projects at different times. 1=YES 0=NO C2a_2: Through technology that allows a number of people in different locations to work simultaneous ly (live) on a project at one time. 1=YES 0=NO C2a_3: Through me travelling to other compan ies in the UK and/or oversees . 1=YES 0=NO C3. During your career, have you worked overseas? (Please mark ). Coded as: Yes 1 No 2