Religion/Theology Paper

Text book readings

Wilmington, pg. 303-315

Bible reading

Read Proverbs 1-31 chapters

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify the four major divisions of the Proverbs.

  • Identify the four kinds of fools in proverbs.

  • Identify the six general groupings of the Proverbs.

  • Discuss the applicability of the proverbs as sound advice for the modern world.

Proverbs are words to live by. In the ancient world many cultures had their, “words of wisdom”

that directed their steps much as a sonar keeps a submarine on course in the merky depths of the sea.

  1. Can you think of a proverb or two that your parents or grandparents taught you?

  2. As you read through the Book of Proverbs, art there some that stand out to you as a guiding light in your own life?

  1. What are they?

  2. Share why or how these have protected and or enriched your life as you observed the wisdom

contained in them?

  1. As you have studied these afresh in this class, are there any proverbs that have made a fresh imprint on you own life today?

  1. Share with the class why or how these have been especially meaningful at this time.