social science statistics

--- CODEBOOK --- A codebook will contain all possible variables in a given data set. Typically, codebooks will contain descriptive measures, but since your job is to report those, I’ve left them out of this codebook. I’ve included summary tables in the first part and the f ull questionnaire in the second part. Read over both parts and the SPSS data file in order to learn the most about your data. In a later project, you will be asked to compare local and global data, so I included the types of countries included in the globa l sample in the column labeled, “Special Notes.” These questions appeared in the Pew Research Center’s survey on Global Attitudes and Trends for 2014. To learn more about this survey, go to: Sample Character istics : n= 116 Students enrolled in Dr. T ’s STA2122 IN -PERSON and ONLINE classes during the FALL Semester Socio -Demographic Data Code Variable Description Response Categories Special Notes * q133 Age Count in years All countries q132 Gender Man/Woman All countries Race RACE1 White (e.g., Caucasian, European, Irish, Italian, Arab, Middle Eastern) 0=no; 1=yes US ONLY RACE2 Black or African -American (e.g., Negro, Kenyan, Nigerian, Haitian) 0=no; 1=yes US ONLY RACE3 Asian or Asian -American (e.g., Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Viet namese or other Asian origin groups) 0=no; 1=yes US ONLY RACE5 Native American/American Indian/Alaska Native 0=no; 1=yes US ONLY RACE6 Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian 0=no; 1=yes US ONLY RACE7 Hispanic/Latino (e.g., Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban) 0=no; 1=yes US ONLY q153 Marital Status 6 categories All countries q157 Number of children Count in number All countries q140 Employment Status 7 categories All countries IDEO Political Standing 5 categories US ONLY Household Resources q148_a Television 0=no; 1=yes All countries q148_b Refrigerator 0=no; 1=yes All countries q148_c Washing Machine 0=no; 1=yes All countries q148_d Microwave Oven 0=no; 1=yes All countries q148_e Computer 0=no; 1=yes All countries q148_f Car 0=no; 1=yes All countries q148_g Bicycle 0=no; 1=yes All countries q148_h Motorcycle/Scooter 0=no; 1=yes All countries q148_i Radio 0=no; 1=yes All countries q68 Cell Phone 0=no; 1=yes All countries Global Questions Codes Variable Name Categories Special Notes Satisfaction with… q4a Standard of living Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q4b Family life Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q4c Health Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q4T Social Life Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q4e Present job Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q4f Religious life Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q4g Safety of Neighborhood Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q4h Quality of Schools Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q6 Dangers of the world 5 categories All countries q11 When children grow up 3 categories All countries q13 Economic perspectives 4 categories of agreement All countries Important aspects of life q14a Job Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14b Travel Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14c Internet Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14d Cell Phone Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14e Free time Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14f Help others Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14g Own home Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14h Good education Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14i Own car Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14j Money in old age Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14k Good health Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* q14l Safe from crime Range 0 to 10 Select Countries* Country’s Problems q21a Crime 4 categories Select Countries* q21b Corrupt political leaders 4 categories Select Countries* q21c Poor quality schools 4 categories Select Countries* q21e Air pollution 4 categories Select Countries* q21f Water pollution 4 categories Select Countries* q21g Safety of food 4 categories Select Countries* q21h Health care 4 categories Select Countries* q21i Traffic 4 categories Select Countries* q21j Electricity shortages 4 categories Select Countries* How important are each to get aheaT q66a Good education Range 0 to 10 All countries q66b Work harT Range 0 to 10 All countries q66c Know the right people Range 0 to 10 All countries q66d Give bribes Range 0 to 10 All countries q66e Be male Range 0 to 10 All countries q66f Belong to wealthy family Range 0 to 10 All countries q66g Be lucky Range 0 to 10 All countries Used the Internet to q71a buy product online 0=no; 1=yes Select Countries* q71b get news about politics 0=no; 1=yes Select Countries* q71c make payments 0=no; 1=yes Select Countries* q71d information about health 0=no; 1=yes Select Countries* q71e look/apply for job 0=no; 1=yes Select Countries* q71f stay in touch w/ family 0=no; 1=yes Select Countries* q71g info about public services 0=no; 1=yes Select Countries* q71h take an online class 0=no; 1=yes Select Countries* Influence of internet q75a morality None, good, bad Select Countries* q75b politics None, good, bad Select Countries* q75c economy None, good, bad Select Countries* q75d education None, good, bad Select Countries* q75e personal relationships None, good, bad Select Countries* q77 Most important reason for wealth gap 6 categories All countries q77b How to reduce wealth gap 3 categories All countries q90 Satisfaction w/political system 4 categories Select Countries* *Select Countries include : ARGENTINA, BANGLADESH, BRAZIL, CHILE, CHINA, COLOMBIA, EGYPT, EL SALVADOR, GHANA, INDIA, INDONESIA, JORDAN, KENYA, LEBANON, MALAYSIA, MEXICO, NICARAGUA, NIGERIA, PAKISTAN, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES, PERU, PHILIPPINES, POLAND, RUSSIA, SENEGAL, SOUTH AFRICA, TANZANIA, THAILAND, TUNISIA, TURKEY, UGANDA, UKRAINE, VENEZUELA, VIETNAM --- STA2122 Global Survey --- Q133 In years, how old were you a t your last birthday? (code q133) Q132 Which best describes your gender? (code q132)  Man  Woman RACE Which of the following best describes your race and/or ethnicity? You can select up to four that apply. (code RACE)  White (e.g., Caucasian, European, Iris h, Italian, Arab, Middle Eastern)  Black or African -American (e.g., Negro, Kenyan, Nigerian, Haitian)  Asian or Asian -American (e.g., Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese or other Asian origin groups)  Native American/American Indian/Alaska Native  Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian  Hispanic/Latino (e.g., Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban) Q153 Which best describes your current marital status? (code q153)  Married  Legal civil union  Widowed  Divorced  Separated  None of these Q157 How many children have you ha d? Please count all your biological children who were born at any time in your life. Q140 Which of the following employment situations best applies to you? (code q140)  In paid work  Unemployed and looking for a job  In education (not paid for by employer) , in school, student even if on vacation  Apprentice or trainee  Permanently sick or disabled  Retired  Doing housework, looking after the home, children or other persons (not paid) IDEO In general, would you describe your political views as ... (code IDEO)  Very conservative  Conservative  Moderate  Liberal  Very liberal 148 (a to i) And in your household, do you have any of the following? Count only those that are in working order. (code q148)  television  refrigerator  washing machine  microwave oven  computer  car  bicycle  motorcycle or scooter  radio Q68 Do you own a cell phone? (code q68)  Yes  No Q4 (a to h) On a scale of 0 to 10 how satisfied are you with each of the following, where 0 means you are very dissatisfied and 10 means you are very satisfied? (code q4) ______ Your present standard of living ______ Your family life ______ Your health ______ Your social life ______ Your present job ______ Your religious life ______ The safety of your neighborhood ______ The quality of schools where you live Q6 Now turning to the world situation, here is a list of five dangers in the world today. In your opinion, which one of these poses the greatest threat to the world – the spread of nuclear weapons, religious and ethnic hatred, AIDS and other infectious diseases, polluti on and other environmental problems, or the growing gap between the rich and poor. (code q6)  Spread of nuclear weapons  Religious and ethnic hatred  AIDS and other infectious diseases  Pollution and other environmental problems  Growing gap between the rich a nd poor Q11 When children today in your country grow up, do you think they will be better off or worse off financially than their parents? (code q11)  Better off  Worse off  Same Q13 Please tell me whether you completely agree, mostly agree, mostly disagree or completely disagree with the following statements: a. Most people are better off in a free market economy, even though some people are rich and some are poor b. Success in life is pretty much determined by forces outside our control. (code q13)  Completely agree  Mostly agree  Mostly disagree  Completely disagree Q14 (a to l)Some people say the following things are important to them. On a scale of 0 to 10, how important is each thing to you personally, where 0 means not important at all and 10 means very important. (code q14) ______ To have a fulfilling job ______ To be able to tr avel ______ To have internet access ______ To own a cell phone ______ To have free time for yourself ______ To help other people who are in need ______ To own your own home ______ To have a good education for you children ______ To own your own car ______ To have money for old age ______ To have good health ______ To be safe from crime Q21 (a to j) Now I am going to read you a list of things that may be problems in our country. As I read each one, please tell me if you think it is a very big problem, a mod erately big problem, a small problem or not a problem at all. (code q21) Very Big Problem Moderately Big Problem Small Problem Not a problem at all crime     corrupt political leaders     poor quality schools     air pollution     water pollution     safety of food     health care     traffic     electricity shortages     Q66 (a to g) On a scale of 0 to 10, in your opinion, how important is it ___________ to get ahead in life. The number 0 means not important at all and 10 means very important? (q66) ______ TO HAVE A GOOD EDUCATION ______ TO WORK HARD ______ TO KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE ______ TO GIVE BRIBES ______ TO BE A MALE ______ TO BELONG TO A WEALTHY FAMILY ______ TO BE LUCKY Q71 (a to h) In the past 12 months, have you used the Internet to... (code q71) Yes No buy a product online   get news and information about politics   make or receive payments   get information about health and medicine for you or your family   look for or apply for a job   stay in touch with family and friends   get information about fovernment or public services   take an online class or an online course that leads to a certificate   Q75 (a to e) In general, what kind of influence has the increasing use of the Internet in our country had on each of the following things. Has the increasing use of the Internet had a good influence, a bad influence, or no influence at all?

(code q75) Type of Infl uence None Bad Good MORALITY    POLITICS    THE ECONOMY    EDUCATION    PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS    Q77 In your opinion, which one of the following is the most important reason for the gap between the rich and the poor in our country today? (code q77)  Trade and business ties between countries  Our government’s economic policies  How much workers are paid  Our educational system  Our tax system  Some people work harder than others Q77b What would do more to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor in our country? High taxes on the wealthy and corporations to fund programs that help the poor OR Low taxes on the wealthy and corporations to encourage investment and economic growth? (code 77b)  High taxes to fund programs for poor  Low taxes to encourage investment and growth  Neither/Both equally Q90 How satisfied are you with the way the political system is working in this country? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? (code q90)  Very Satisfied  Somewhat Satisfied  Somewhat Dissatisfied  Very Dissatisfied