assignment 4

Product Specifications PMPs Consulting Group Justin Alexander, Rowena Stone, Nicole Wahlgren , and Scott Youngkin 4/6/2015 Page | 1 The p rinter is to be an affordable 3D printer without sacrificing print size. It has a recycled extruded aluminum frame which makes it light for easy transporting. The heat bed to keep prints from warping comes standard unlike many of the competitors. The printer will print multiple types of filament including ABS, PLA, Laybrick, and Laywood to meet the many u ses of potential customer base. The printer was designed for small business owners and hobbyists who cannot afford the larger, more expensive 3D printers on the market. No. Metric Unit Value Comments 1 Max Build Height Inches 12 Based on print size feedback from customer interviews 2 Max Build Width Inches 12 Based on print size feedback from customer interviews 3 Max Build Depth Inches 12 Based on print size feedback from customer interviews 4 Printer street price U.S.

Dollars 999 Street price comes from the customer need to have an affordable printer and still allows the company to make a profit based on manufacturing cost 5 Unit Cost U.S.

Dollars < 500 Manufacturing cost is based on initial analysis of printer components and margin analysis 6 Printer height Inches < 23 Printer size is based on a customer requirement to have a compact printer and initial analysis of how big the device will need to be to accommodate print size 7 Printer width Inches < 18.5 Printer size is based on a customer requirement to have a compact printer and initial analysis of how big the device will need to be to accommodate print size 8 Printer depth Inches < 18 Printer size is based on a customer requirement to have a compact printer and initial analysis of how big the device Product Specifications PMPs Consulting Group Justin Alexander, Rowena Stone, Nicole Wahlgren , and Scott Youngkin 4/6/2015 Page | 2 will need to be to accommodate print size 9 Printer weight Pounds <40 Printer weight is based on customer requirement for a compact printer and weight of components required to build printer 10 Print layer height mm .02 - .5 Printer layer height is based on customer requirement for final print detail 11 Printed items need to be high quality Subj. > 6 Print quality is based on requirement from customers for high quality prints. A customer review will take place to determine if the prints are high enough quality to meet their needs. 12 Heated platform temperature Degrees Celsius ~80 Heated platform temperature aids in quality of final print 13 Extruder nozzle temperature Degrees Celsius ~260 Nozzle temperature aids in quality of final print and speed of printing 14 Upgradeable print heads Print head options 3 Manufacturer will provide print heads for customers that increase quality 15 Printer frame material Metal Aluminum, Steel Printer frame material is based on customers desire to have an ecofriendly printer. The printer also needs to be made of durable material so it is not easily damaged. 16 Print filament material Filament Type ABS PLA Laywood Laybrick Nylon Print material is based on customer need for durable, easily painted and recyclable material. The materials listed are existing available filament materials 17 Print speed mm/s 30 -200 Print speed is based on customer desire for a quick printer. However, quality is also Product Specifications PMPs Consulting Group Justin Alexander, Rowena Stone, Nicole Wahlgren , and Scott Youngkin 4/6/2015 Page | 3 based on print speed so a wide range is provided for customers that are willing to sacrifice quality for speed. 18 Filament sizes accepted mm 1.75 Filament size accepted is based on the most common size of filament materials available in the market. 19 Filament color options provided by manufacturer Colors 50 Filament color options are based on customer desire for a variety of filament options but not providing so many colors that the manufacturer needs to allocate significant warehouse space for filament spools 20 Filament cost U.S.

Dollars 30 Filament color price is based on customer need for affordable filament options but still providing a small profit for manufacturer 21 Filament roll can be reused Plastics ABS Filament roll reusability is based on customer comment regarding a recycling program for filaments. This is similar to what currently exists for standard inkjet printers 22 3D printer comes with software Customers have expressed the need for software to be included with the 3D printer 23 3D printer software is user friendly Subj. >6 The 3D printer software being user friendly is based on a general requirement of all software being easy to use.

Customer analysis will be conducted throughout the software development process to determine the ease of use. 24 3D printing software is realistic to final print Subj. >5 Customers expressed that they were sometimes disappointed with the final print relative to what they were seeing within the software. A customer review will conducted to Product Specifications PMPs Consulting Group Justin Alexander, Rowena Stone, Nicole Wahlgren , and Scott Youngkin 4/6/2015 Page | 4 determine how well they think the software conveys w hat is printed. 25 3D printer software has save button Soft Button Save Customers would like for their to be a way to save their work within the provided software 26 3D printer software has scaling option Soft Button Scaling Customers would like for their to be a way to scale their 3D models within the provided software 27 3D printer compatibility Operating System Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Vista Mac OS Linux 3D printer compatibility is based on customer requirements for compatibility with a variety of outside files.

The operating systems were selected based on their presence in the market. 28 3D printer connections Connectors USB Drive SD Card 3D printer connections are based on customer requirement to be able to connect to outside files. The connections were selected based on their presence in the market