can please someone help me to finish this project I need to put chart or a pie chart for segmentation also targeting be more specific in action budget describes every spend.

Carolina Aguilar

Dr: Lucia Gheorghiu


November 28, 2017



Executive Summary

Tito’s Drink Café is an outstanding Drink’s joint that offers all sorts of drinks from various coffee flavors, alcoholic drink and soft beverages. The bar is perfect place for socializing and meeting new people. The place uniquely offers a place that has the most suitable ambience with minimal inhibitions and thus the singles can meet other singles in that pace that fosters great communication environment. This plan checks into the specific objectives of Tito’s Drink Café and the mission of the business. We also check into the current situation by looking into some of the internal environment factors and the external environment that shall affect the marketing of Tito’s Drink Café. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats of the business were also assessed. We also look into the marketing strategy and the marketing mix. Finally we check into the action programs that shall lead to actualization of the set out objectives.

I. Business Name

The name of my business is Tito’s Drink Café. It is a business that is concerned with providing assorted coffee drinks to its customers, as well as, selling other non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages too.

II. Mission Statement

The mission of Tito’s Drink Café is providing a drinks café in the neighborhood, where people (especially single people) can come together. Our reason for existence is attracting new costumers and maintaining them. If we stick to the precept, all things will get aligned. We shall offer services that are way beyond the expectations of the costumers.

III. Current Situation – SWOT

  1. Internal Environment

Tito’s Drink Café just began its operation and thus one of the most important things to enable achievement of success and remaining profitable is marketing. There are various internal factors that will affect the marketing decision that is going to be made by the business, some of the factors include: Available Finances, depending on the position that the business is in financially, The scope as well as the scale of the marketing activities shall be directly affected. Secondly, the other factor affecting Tito’s Drink Café is Human Resources. Since this business is a new entity, the workforce of the company is relatively low. However, the business will fully utilize the few skilled workers, to ensure that the services offered are the best.

  1. External Environment

Tito’s Drink Café has sought a lot of information concerning the external environment and more so the market, in order to understand our highly valued customers. Thus, the café shall take advantage of the information we have gathered in order to better understand the costumers, their particular needs, and also determine how Tito’s Café can establish and maintain great communication with the customers.

. Market Needs

Tito Drink Café is a unique built and organized place, in a way that facilitating fostering of new friendships. The shop shall offer a variety of drinks as well as diverse coffee drinks according to the preferences of the costumes. Tito place has also been designed to offer a conversation system that is structured. The following are some of the benefits that this café seeks to offer to its costumers.

Variety: There shall be assorted drinks and snacks that are creatively chosen.

Customer Service: High quality costumer service shall be offered to our esteemed costumers. The costumers shall be allowed to have their say since we believe that customers are always right.

Efficiency: Our clients shall be able to access Tito’s café with minimal waiting periods. The customer’s orders shall be processed within the shortest time possible.

Competitive Rates: This café shall offer very competitive prices on all of our products, having set the prices relative to the market to the market price of the products.

Market Tendency

It has been observed that the shift of the market is towards costumers who are sophisticated in their own different ways. For instance, with the increase in the number of choices that costumers can make, preference has been made towards the use of ingredients that are of very high quality. It has also been noted that the café setting can be an ideal place for conversation that are intellectual. The café is also an ideal place for meeting new people whom are of the same mind, fostering new friendships, and creating new relationships.


There are various sources that pose competition for Tito drink café. Some of our competitors are taverns. Some of the bars have been as well creatively designed as meeting place. However, there is no single bar that has been made with our business objective of providing a rendezvous for the single individuals. Tito’s café also faces competition from other coffee shops. However, with our objective being to bring single people together, we shall organize events for our customers such as hikes for singles organized by Tito’s Café.

. SWOT Analysis

The purpose of the SWOT analysis that follows is to indicate the significant strengths, and the weaknesses that we have as a business. This analysis also looks into the opportunities that the business has, as well as the threats that are facing Tito’ Drinks Café.

Strengths Weaknesses

. Our strength is that our customer service . Some Tito’s drinks café weakness is

Personnel are highly skilled and thus our that this is a new venture and thus

Customer service is excellent. the financial ability is limited. The

We also have a wide variety of drinks and business might not be able to

Beverages to offer. Our place is publicize itself as it would like, due

Strategically located within the city and to insufficient amounts of funds

Provides impeccable ambience and currently available.

Meeting point for our customers.

Opportunities Threats

.The market is still growing while only . As a business, the threats that

a few of our target customers have we face include competition

Learnt about Tito place. Therefore that may arise from other drinks

With continued publicity, we shall parlors.

be able to increase the volume of . In case the economy falls, shall

our sales. Lead to low spending by the

People thus lowering our sales.

IV. Marketing Objectives

. Create awareness of our brand by steadily increasing the number of customers that we have every month.

. Generate an increase in the sales of our products while at the same time making sure that the expenses incurred for marking are continually reduced.

. Grow a significant share of the market and attracting more customers.

V. Marketing Strategies

1. Choosing your Target

A. Segmentation

The customers of Tito’s Drink Café will be divided into two groups. On one group, there are the single people while on the other group, other people are also targeted. This includes the professionals, university students, business people and also tourists.

B. Targeting

The targeting strategy to be used shall be the differentiated marketing strategy. This is due to the fact Tito’s Drink Café has its specific customers of interest being the single people in the city. That is the reason why it has been made to suit the requirements of the perfect meeting place for the singles, and a place where they can easily communicate and meet other people whom are of the same mind with them.

C. Differentiation

To set apart our place from the rest of the business offering almost similar solution. Tito’s Drink Café offers very competitive prices on the products that it offers. Secondly, the café offers assorted drinks of the highest quality. The place has also been strategically located. The café is elegantly structured to provide maximum ambience for people to meet and communicate. We also offer unmatched costumer experience by using a customer service team that is highly skilled. This idea stands out from the rest since it offers the most unique place and value for our highly esteemed customers.

D. Positioning

Tito’s Drink Café will endeavor to position itself a café whose products and services are priced at reasonable prices, where people can meet and socialize. This business shall be set apart from the rest of the businesses due to the fact that our business model has great concentration on value development to our esteemed customers, and not only serving them with drinks. We shall be focused on generation of value for our costumers. When the customers are satisfied, then it shall be easy to generate a lot of income.

2. Marketing Mix

A. Product Features and Benefits

Tito’s Drink Café offers a variety of products for sale. These include alcoholic drinks such as beer. The reason for having beer is that it helps in reducing inhibition and thus people can easily socialize with other people who are completely new to them. Due to the relatively big number of people who consumer beer, it is also a good product in terms of profit maximization.

The other product that Tito’s Drink Café sells is assorted coffee drink. These include cappuccino as well as Espresso. People associate meeting while having a cup of coffee with having great conversations among the meeting parties.

Tito’s Drink Café also offers services that enable single people out there to meet at the best location. That can be attributed to the structure that has been used in designing the place, as well as the communication system. The café has been partitioned to allow people who have never met to enjoy their drinks at the same place, while people who are not strangers to each other are allowed to sit at the same side.

B. Pricing

Since the business new, the scheme of pricing that is used is based on different factors. The first factor is the prices of the competitors. The pricing used shall also be influenced by the standard practices within the industry. Thus at first, efforts will be made to sell the drinks at prices slightly below the average in order to attract many customers to the drink’s


C. Place (Distribution) Issues

All the products and services that shall be provided by Tito’s Drink Café shall be offered at the café. Thus a lot of work shall be done to ensure that the customers experience the best quality of services.

D. Promotion

The promotion strategy that would that would likely be most successful would be to run advertisements on the local daily. Despite the relatively high costs involved, it shall help reach out to quite a large number of people within the city. The company shall also run promotional campaigns and subsidized activities for the singles such hiking, in order to attract more customers. On sales promotion, the business shall use coupons valid for two hours for what shall be termed as the “happy hour” on Fridays from 7PM to 9PM. The purpose of the sales promotions is to boost sales for the business.

The business shall also undertake online advertisement via social networks such as Facebook, twitter and instagram. We shall also set up an optimized website, to make our presence online more recognizable.

VI. Action Programs

