Option 2: For-ProfitThere are three parts to this assignment: (Microsoft Corp is the company to use for this assignment)If you have not already done so, locate the website for the for-profit that you

Designing a Good Home Page – Do’s and Don’ts



Place important information in the top 2/3 of your browser window.

Make your visitor search around for the “meat and potatoes”.

Use attractive graphics to define your page.

Use clipart and animated gifs that dance all over the screen.

Make your homepage a starting point that serves as a “roadmap”.

Link every single subpage to your homepage.

Consider your audience. Don’t get to “flashy”.

Use so many components that the page loads very slowly.

Consider your colors and background choices.

Use colors that have no contrast (i.e., black on blue).

Consider your domain name. Once you have one, keep it.

Make it hard to remember, too long, or similar to a porn site.

Choose a font that is large enough and easy to read.

Use fancy nondescript fonts that are difficult to read.

Make it so plain that it is boring.

References to save you time:

Yale Style Manuel: http://interface.free.fr/Archives/Guide_web_Yale.pdf

Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/top-10-mistakes-web-design/

A Beginners Guide to Web Design: http://www.webquarry.com/~raditha/web/

Angelfire: http://angelfire.lycos.com/howto/webshell/templates/index.tmpl

(The above information is provided by Scott McLaughlin of Heartland Hosting, LLC)