I'm curious about the reference listed, how is health literacy related to T&D for this scenario?Baur, C. (2010). The national action plan to improve health literacy. US Department of Health and Human


Action Plan

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Action Plan

To restore order in the organization, there are serious problems where it has poor leadership strategies, lack of customer satisfaction, or even motivation of employees. Other challenges include poor working conditions and failure of use of office etiquette. To restore order, the company’s top management should come up with an action plan that would be used in bringing up reforms on the organization’s culture, have leaders that are reliable and competed every time. The main activities that would be required to


Expected results

Actual results

Who performs this task

When is this task due?


Re-Election of leaders--managers

The step of eliminating ineffective leadership. They are replaced with being served by a good manager.

Proper leadership qualities.

The company’s senior staff—the members, would experiment so that they get some moment of the line

This task is due until the time the client comes along and wrestle.


Ensure top-not service delivery.

The organization will look into the issue of gaining the confidence of the customers, to have as many customers as possible.

The increment of customers and change of reviews to positive ones.

The organization’s top officials.

The task does not require a given amount of time.


Ensure employee satisfaction

This would involve making sure that all employees in the organization, so as for them to be more productive.

The actual results would be an increment in some customers, better employee’s performance.

The top official of the organization.

No due time


Construction of a good working environment

Even in this case, performance is dependent on various factors, which include being in the working environment.

The relative increase in employee productivity.

The top official of the organization.

No due time


Exercise the rules and policies of an organization.

There would be order in the workplace, without some individuals misbehaving or acting like they do not care.

A conducive working environment would be created.

The top official of the organization.

No due time


Table 1: Action Plan.


Baur, C. (2010). The national action plan to improve health literacy. US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.