Part 1:Read a concise version of what run-on sentences are, and how to recognize and fix them, available here: (Links to an external si

Tangeles Washington


English 101

Mrs. Miller

Money is the Root of All Evil

The world has shifted to a global village that is run and managed by money. Almost all activities in the world are being conducted by money. It's unfortunate for those that do not have money as they fate are already predetermined. These fascinating facts have not only affected the working class in the society but also the students who pursue their studies in middle-level institutions and institutions of higher learning (Tong et al, 124). As such, this was the rude and shocking case that I met when I joined my college. As its while at the college that I learned money is the root of all evil in the world as students could do anything just to get money to sustain them through to the next semester without taking into consideration the risks they were putting themselves into.

College life is one of the tricky parts for anyone that has gone through such a system. The challenges that one meets at this level makes an individual make decisions that indeed proves money runs the world. For instance, I vividly recall my second-year roommate, Brondly 19, who was never in the college over the weekends. He spends most of the weekends at his girlfriend's place, Miss Pratley, a 56-year-old divorcee who at the end of the weekend would splash Brondly with lots of cash and shopping enough to take him through to the next weekend. This became a routine and Brondly became to be known as one of the rich kids in the institution. An oblivious to many of the mischievous business he was deeply rooted in (Tang et al, 142).

The college life with money challenges became a forgotten issue to my roommate. As everything that he required was easily facilitated by his rich girlfriend. He became the talk of the institution and with money; he believed that he could buy his grades all through to his final year without being disturbed by anybody. Besides that, things that seemed huge task for us at the school to him they were nothing to him. This led him to believe that there was no need to study yet had money. As such, unlike the time when he joined the college as a serious student, he became a joker, drunkard and loved partying without paying much emphasis on his education. This became worse when he started cheating on his girlfriend.

Pride comes before a fall; this was the case for my dear roommate. His pride drove him to the level that he forgot his main objectives of being at school. Besides that, he openly showed his old girlfriend the fleet of girls that he had acquired over a span of one academic year. This lady to Miss Pratley promising to ensure that he saw his downfall and true to her word, it was on a chilly Monday morning when the lifeless body of my roommate was discovered in a ditch near the school premises. His mysterious death was never discovered but it was only rumored that the night before his untimely death he was with his female friends and as it had become a norm to him he had taken so much liquor. This was the untimely end of my roommate who had been deceived by the resolutions of quick money from an elderly woman who he should have considered her as his mother.

The untimely end of Brondly taught me a life lesson that indeed money is the root of evil in the world. For instance, if Brondly had not encountered the woman he could not have ended up in the drinking dens with numerous females. Besides that, he could have taken his studies seriously and never thought of such activities. In addition, Miss Pratley would have also not taken up the issue personal and decided to revenge hence putting to an end the life of a very young person that could have been useful in the development of the economy (Grobler, 30).

Works Cited

Grobler, Stephen. "Money is the root of all evil?" South African Gastroenterology Review 9.1 (2011): 29-31.

Tang, Thomas Li-Ping, et al. "The love of money is the root of all evil: Pay satisfaction and CPI as moderators." Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2011. No. 1. Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management, 2011.

Tong, Luqiong, Yuhuang Zheng, and Ping Zhao. "Is money really the root of all evil? The impact of priming money on consumer choice." Marketing Letters 24.2 (2013): 119-129.