Question: How would you teach the form 'going to + verb' used for future plans to a preintermediate class?


How would you teach the form ‘going to + verb’ used for future plans to a pre-intermediate class?
Outline your lesson plan using the following headings as a guideline.
Warmer / Lead in
Presentation (in a suitable context) and drilling
Controlled practice activity
Production (a personalised communicative activity).

Briefly say what you would do for each stage of the lesson (in bullet point). Each of the four stages above may contain more than one activity.
Remember to include examples of the sentences you will present and your students will practise. The sentences should follow this pattern: Subject + 'am/ is /are going to + verb' and they should express future plans. Also include at least one concept question you would use to check understanding.

My Answer:

Warmer/Lead In-

I would start with a vocabulary game using flash cards to get students thinking about shopping vocabulary for a trip to the grocery store. Together, as a class, we would identify the objects on the flash cards (examples- milk, bananas, candy bar, meat, apple and so on). I would ask the students to share some of the things they like to buy at the grocery store and write the different items on the board as we are discussing the items.

Presentation and drilling- I would explain the main grammar point that a verb is an action word and “going to + verb is an action in the near/immediate future that has already been planned. I would write a substitution table and a timeline on the board as both of these will be useful.



Past Present Future

Gone Go Going To

Substitution Table

We are going to the grocery store.

She is going to buy bananas.

He is going to buy apples.

I am going to the store today.

We are going to have fun at the store.

Concept questions:

Is she going to buy apples?

Is he going to the store today?

Is he going to have fun at the store today?

Controlled practice:

Production- as a freer practice I would group the students and have them role play planning a shopping trip and have the students list what they are ‘going to’ buy at the store. Afterwards, each group could share with the class and I would help with any clarification and misunderstandings.

My Teachers comments. I have one last attempt at this question and I am confused! Help!

Comment: Good effort, however, please amend as follows: - presentation: here you need to set a relevant context to introduce the structure for the first time. Just giving sentences and a time line are not enough. Your substitution table, drilling and concept questions are part of the presentation, not controlled practice. - you need to think of a controlled practice activity in which the students get a chance to form meaningful sentences using 'going to + verb'. Please amend.